The OPUS Way

Why Taking Mocks is Biggest Key to Success for CLAT


Why taking mocks is the biggest key to success

You have been told several times that diligence is the key to success in competitive examinations. This is true but the crux of the problem lies somewhere else. It does not spell out how and where you should invest your efforts. Have you been told categorically that success in the CLAT exam is ensured not only with perseverance but also with a precise awareness of where to slog and in what manner and style?

What should consume your energy and grab your interest is the domain of mock tests. All through your school years you have been urged to revise and appear for surprise tests that assess your preparedness. When the exam is just round the corner, you are told to go through this grind in order to become aware of where you actually stand and how you are likely to perform.

The mock test is artful and suspenseful. It is not a rapid fire test designed to test your readiness to plunge headlong. Well, the broader objective is certainly that. But a mock test does a whole lot more than merely testing your corpus of learning and knowledge. Are you aware that if you do not the simulate the real environment with online sessions then you cannot put yourself through the gruelling two-hour journey that tests your nerves and calmness in addition to your ken? Are you finding this news alarming? Well, it should not. OPUS thought it wise to reveal the chilling suspense much in advance for you. No nasty denouement.

OPUS says you should take mock tests with all seriousness in thought and execution. No flippant disposition, no causal mindset should prevail. It is one of the critical components of your journey to success that most of you have not paid condign attention to because the core focus remains on poring over the chapters alone. What you study and how you put it down correctly are quite different. The sooner you realise this, the better it is for you. The sad part of the story is that most of the candidates mix the two.

When you are left with negligible time, you cannot pack in more of it. Then you go through the ceremonial grind in order to satisfy yourself and your family that you have dipped your head in it and acquired real experience of what the whole exercise is all about.

Aspirants need to remember that a mere tokenism or ritualistic indulgence will not suffice. In the weeks and months of marathon preparation, you have been processing information and acquiring information that takes a toll on your ability to think of solutions instantly. To be quick on your feet is an added virtue that will help you outshine. And this aspect requires special mention. Mock tests series will sharpen you in this regard.

Before we actually start talking about mock tests and how beneficial these are in greater detail, you need to acclimatize yourself with the core thought that you cannot clear this test without being a strong practitioner of mock tests. Drill this cardinal principle into your psyche first and then proceed to know the multiple benefits of mock tests in determining your success.

You have been burning the proverbial midnight oil, solving guides and even after practicing a lot in every section you lack the confidence of facing the question paper. Tough questions and sloppy time management leave you jittery. If this state of mind persists, the panacea to the problem is to take as many mock tests as possible.

Throw the fear of failure out of the window. Remember, no amount of practice tests will bolster confidence as much as mock tests do. Instead of letting the world mock you for being a debacle, plunge into the world of mock tests to jettison unfounded fears that undermine your performance. Realise there is more lying inside you that you need to bring out.

The path ahead

Maintain distance from those who propagate the idea that appearing for a couple of mock tests will be sufficient to assess where you stand. Mind you, they are not your well-wishers. This could spell doom if you end up taking the mock test just prior to the entrance exam. OPUS suggests that mock tests should not be treated as a mere tool to test preparedness at the eleventh hour. It should be blended into the long-drawn process of preparedness once you have gained basic competence in all the sections.

The right booster

No CLAT candidate can claim to have cracked the entrance test without stress on mock tests. Often there is a stigma attached to mock tests. It is believed these mock tests generate contentment prior to the examination and this deludes the candidate into believing that his preparation assessed in the series of mock tests has ranked him as a top scorer and, therefore, he can breathe easy and remain assured of success. This is an erroneous reading of the situation.

Mocks lessen shock

The purpose of mock tests for the CLAT exam is not to give students a false notion of being well-prepared. It introduces students to the exam pattern and the kind of questions asked in the test so that they are able to make amends on time. Besides, the mock test guides you in sketching an actual idea of the format of actual law entrance exam. When you begin taking mocks tests, it is not imperative to take one test every day but make sure you go for at least one daily in the last two weeks before the entrance test. The score in the mock tests will let you figure out your chances of final success. Reward yourself at every stage if you fulfill the daily target or attain your ideal mock test score to feel upbeat. Give yourself what you deserve.

A serious take

When you take the mock tests, do not consider these as fun-filled exercises. Be serious in your approach and follow systems and patterns as these tests will orient you to develop the right attitude required for facing the actual tests. Some aspirants have the habit of considering mock tests as mere practice tools and they do not take the score seriously as an indicator of what lies ahead in the path. Since mock tests are structured in tandem with the present syllabus and cover it extensively, these questions oscillating between easy and tough will enable you to form a holistic idea of what the real test is going to be like vis-à-vis the mock tests.

By taking maximum mock tests you familiarise yourself with the current pattern and can look forward to finding many of these similar type questions in your actual exam. Most importantly, you are able to stay relaxed instead of getting scared. As you grow mentally compatible with the test, there is every possibility that the mock test will assess your level of preparedness, both mental and study-oriented. There are many websites providing online mock tests of the exam. Go through these tests and emerge out of your comfort zone. You will be able to find more scope to improve the grey areas and assess yourself again. Instead of letting yourself feel charged up that you have prepared thoroughly, it is the mock tests that allow you to judge yourself objectively when you still have the time to improve yourself.

Grab it

Apart from generating verve, mock tests deliver instant results. It is a quality source of motivation and guidance. It sharpens skills, tests the strengths and individuality to guide aspirants in the right direction.

While curiosity drives you to see how you fare in the samples, a steady and consistent exposure to mock tests should be attempted once you have covered the syllabus and feel confident of facing the results of mock tests without letting your mental state get affected by the score. Mock tests surely add a winning edge to your preparation for CLAT. Grab the chance to get yourself scrutinized. Early detection leaves room for treatment.

OPUS wishes you mega success in your efforts.

Get the best Opus CLAT mock series here. It’s more than just a Mock.

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