The OPUS Way

Ways to Tackle the Logical Reasoning Section in CLAT 2024

Ways to Tackle the Logical Reasoning Section in CLAT 2024 | Are you surprised to hear from OPUS that Logical Reasoning is one of the easiest sections of the entrance test? Well, those who have appeared for the CLAT will endorse this view for the upcoming CLAT 2024

At the outset, OPUS tells you that the scope of technical knowledge in logical reasoning is limited. In order to have a winning edge, the other contributing factors have to be explored. To begin with, identify possible ways of answering a logical reasoning question. The focus should not be on the extent and depth of knowledge required in this domain. OPUS is there to guide you well through the journey with ease.


Logical Reasoning Section in CLAT: SPEED Guidance

Think about Time Management. With only 40 logical reasoning questions to answer, there is no logic in spending more than 25 minutes here. Remember, this is one section where you can save time. OPUS wisdom says that students find the available options ambiguous unless they read carefully; they consume more time than they should. Furthermore, apprehensions about the correct choice make them vacillate. Negative marking system turns them defensive. As an aspirant, you are beset with the challenge of saving time by making the correct choice pretty fast. Accelerate, speed up, and zoom ahead of others.

Logical Reasoning Section in CLAT: TECHNIQUE

Technique comes next in the order of importance. Aspirants consult a plethora of books and attend multiple courses. Despite such robust engagement, what eludes them is technique. It simplifies the process of solving a particular kind of question and makes candidates comfortable. While there are several ways of answering a logical reasoning question, a candidate should choose one fixed technique for one kind of questions and gain proficiency in it. With a mentor like OPUS beside you, finding a technique that suits you best becomes very easy.

For example – PARA-JUMBLES in Logical Reasoning. Solve it by finding mandatory pairs based on keywords and then by re-arranging these mandatory pairs in a logical sequence. Sometimes you just need to identify what the first sequence is going to be and then examine options and eliminate as many as possible. Apply a trial and error method on the residual options to check the most meaningful sequence. What emerges as a conclusion is the fact that a student should opt for a technique that suits him most instead of following the one prescribed by his faculty. This paves the way to perfection – and admission. Trust OPUS on this count.

Logical Reasoning Section in CLAT: CONFIDENCE

Confidence sprouts from preparedness. If you have honed your chosen technique almost to the level of perfection and have gathered commendable speed in processing chunks of information, you should be able to solve a question and proceed to the next one in a jiffy. Once you have selected an option, lingering doubts should not drag you to reconsider your choice as this leads to wastage of time and further ebbs your confidence in solving other questions. OPUS warns you to avoid the pitfall.

Logical Reasoning Section in CLAT: PRACTICE

Remember the good old adage that practice makes one perfect. When you practice well, worries about result should disappear. A candidate should put in his best and leave nothing to chance – that is the best way to get the opportunity to study in a premier law college. OPUS affirms full faith in the possibility of miracles achieved through diligence.

Logical Reasoning Section in CLAT: MIX AND MATCH

While preparing for Logical Reasoning section, make it a point to mix questions from different topics for practice instead of solving loads of similar kind of questions at a stretch. Do prepare yourself for a mock test. Bear in mind that there is no particular body entrusted with the task of conducting CLAT 2024. Various National Law Universities conduct the exam on a rotation basis so the possibility of changes in the pattern is always taken into consideration. It is judicious to follow the CLAT 2024 questions from the previous years since the expected pattern is largely based on those question papers, but be prepared to face a few unpleasant surprises as well. OPUS has seen many students flounder on this count. So it is advisable to opt for a mixed pattern.

Logical Reasoning Section in CLAT: SPECIMEN

Since 2013, some kinds of questions have found a place in the Logical Reasoning Section and these should be practised well. Puzzles, pairing, coding and decoding, data sufficiency, distance, direction, syllogisms, seating arrangement questions, cause and effect, statement and conclusion questions, and non-verbal reasoning questions based on figures.


2015 onwards, some new types of questions have been introduced in the following areas. It is, therefore, advisable to brace up for these topics as well. Blood relations, meaningful words from jumbled alphabets, calendar, number/symbol, letter interchange, facts, judgment, and inference-oriented ones. Gain substantial exposure in handling types with ease.

If you encounter confusion and require proper guidance to clear the hurdle of CLAT preparation, seek OPUS mentoring that puts you in safe hands. Get a structured insight about how to proceed with logical reasoning for CLAT 2024.

Wishing you all success!

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