The OPUS Way

Sample NIFT 2022/ NID Questions-How to Approach Them with Ease

Sample NIFT 2022/ NID Questions-How to Approach Them with Ease | Demolish the myth that NIFT 2022 is just like any other competitive test for which general ability is assessed. True, it is an integral part of the admission process, but there is another hurdle that makes it more challenging to secure a seat in NIFT 2022 or NID. And it is known as creative aptitude. Many aspirants who sought guidance from OPUS have sailed smoothly into the prestigious colleges. It shows that creative challenge should not discourage students and they should not reject or undermine the need to be trained well in a leading professional institute like OPUS.To have an edge over others for NIFT 2022 OPUS is surely the way to go

This example merits comparison with creative writing courses run in universities abroad where it is often said that creative writing cannot be taught. But over the years it has been observed that many of the students passing out with creative writing degrees end up writing successful novels. It gives them the scope to polish their craft and learn the nuances of writing from experts who share their experiences with candidates aiming to write better and go beyond reading books to refine their writing skills. The same applies in case of fashion and design courses. A training institute cannot teach creativity but it can certainly enable students to understand what they need to do. OPUS is there to guide enthusiastic admission seekers for NIFT 2022/NID 2022 so that they know the kind of questions expected in the entrance test and how to tackle the sections with ease – without losing calm and valuable time.

Before this discussion flows further, form a basic idea of the NIFT 2022 entrance exam pattern and the type of questions. To begin with, it is divided into two phases. The first phase comprises 2 papers of 100 marks each.

Phase 1 NIFT 2022/ NID 2022

GAT – General Ability Test: 150 objective questions
CAT – Creative Ability Test: 3 – 4 questions

GAT assesses the candidate’s skills in Quantitative Ability, Analytical Reasoning, English Communication and Comprehension, and General Awareness.

GAT comprises the following sub-tests:

(1) Quantitative Ability

(2) Communication Ability

(3) English Comprehension

(4) Analytical Ability

(5) Business Domain Test

6) Thematic Appreciation Test


Language is the basis of communication in today’s ‘flat’ world. It ensures a smooth flow of ideas and helps to communicate with clients, analyze and sift data into key components.

•Quantitative Aptitude

Although this seems futile in a creative universe, quantitative aptitude is essential to measure analytical ability. The Mathematics questions are rudimentary (high school-level) which require time management and practice.

•Logical Reasoning

The reasoning section tests logical aptitude. Most logic and reasoning guides and websites offer timed mock tests. Attempt these to hone skills.

•General Awareness

This helps to gauge an aspirant’s awareness of life, country, environment, and global trends. Read periodicals, magazines and newspapers. Browse knowledge-oriented websites for updates.

GAT Sample questions:

1. In a certain examination, there are three papers and it is necessary for a candidate to get 36% of the total marks to pass. In one paper a candidate obtained 62 out of 120 and in the second paper he obtained 35 out of 150. To just qualify for pass he must obtain out of 180 in the 3rd
(a) 35
(b) 45
(c) 55
(d) 65
2. A book-seller allows a discount of 10% on the advertised price of a book. A book costs Rs 600 and he wants to make a profit of 20%. He must mark the price of the book as:
(a) Rs 700
(b) Rs 800
(c) Rs 660
(d) Rs 720
3. A pot full of water weighs 9.5 kg. When half-filled with water the pot weighs 5.5 kg. The weight of the empty pot is (in kg):
(a) 4
(b) 1.5
(c) 2
(d) 3.5
4. A shopkeeper bought pens at the rate of 12 pens for Rs 150 and sold them at the rate of 10pens for Rs 130. The number of pens he should sell to earn a net profit of Rs 20 is:
(a) 10
(b) 20
(c) 30
(d) 40
5. A train passes a platform 90 metres long in 30 seconds and a man standing on the platform in 15 seconds. The speed of the train is (in m/sec):
(a) 3
(b) 6
(c) 2
(d) 5
6. Five numbers are arranged in order. The average of the first four numbers is 26 and the average of the last four numbers is 23. The difference of the first and the last number is:
(a) 3
(b) 15
(c) 12
(d) 10
7. 20 men working 8 hours per day can complete a piece of work in 21 days. The number of hours per day must 48 men work to complete the same job in 7 days is:
(a) 10 hrs
(b) 8 hrs
(c)12 hrs
(d) 6 hrs
8. A number of boys raised Rs 180.50 by subscription among themselves, each boy subscribing as many 25 pieces at twice the number of boys. The number of boys is:
(a) 21
(b) 17
(c) 19
(d) 2
9. Of the four numbers p, q, r, s, the ratio of the first number to the second is 2: 3, that of the second to the third is 5: 6 and that of the third to the fourth is 8: 9. The continued ratio of the four numbers is:
(a) 40 : 60 : 72 : 81
(b) 4 : 6 : 7 : 8
(c) 1 : 2 : 3 : 4
(d) 42 : 65 : 70 : 91
10. A fort has provisions for 420 soldiers for 70 days. After 10 days 210 more soldiers enter the fort. The remaining food will last for:
(a) 30 days
(b) 25 days
(c) 35 days
(d) 40 days

General Aptitude Test NIFT 2022/NID 2022:

1) Quantitative Ability: It consists of questions on addition, multiplication, division, fractions, percentage, rate of interest, work and task, ratio and proportion, and distance.
2) Communication Ability: It is aimed at testing the language ability of the candidates. It includes questions on synonyms, antonyms, words with corresponding meanings, singular, plural, one word substitutes, idioms and phrases and correct spellings.
3) English Comprehension: It requires understanding and answering questions regarding a specific passage.
4) Analytical Ability: It is designed to test the candidate’s inference and logic ability from given information.
5) General Knowledge and Current Affairs based on recent events and general knowledge.
6) Case Study: This test uses a situation to evaluate your style of response to discern your managerial ability.

Bachelor of Fashion Technology (B. FTech)[for NIFT 2022]:

General Aptitude Test (GAT) has 100 per cent weightage for a total of 150 questions to complete.
Quantitative Ability – 30 questions
Communication Ability and English Comprehension – 45 questions
Analytical Ability – 25 questions
General Knowledge and Current Affairs – 25 questions
Case Study – 25 questions


CAT investigates the student’s dexterity in design problem solving, visual sense, observation, and perception, appreciation of form, color, shapes, innovative ways to view and describe objects and environment, imaginative expression, environmental awareness, mental ability and verbal and non-verbal communication skills through a range of visual and textual questions.

A look at the questions offers a fair idea of the kind of creative mindset needed in order to qualify in the entrance test.
Sample questions:
a) Show any process in 4 boxes – landing of a plane / Making of Maggie
b) Design front page of student magazine and explain in 100 words
c) Draw a cobbler at work
d) Design a poster illustrating textile in India
e) Draw a chair in proportion with an 18 year old boy, a cat, a table fan, a flower pot, an air-conditioner. All kept in a room.
f) Draw your idea for (A) A shelter (B) A pair of spectacles (C) A spacecraft (D) An alarm clock
g) Depict emotions like innocence, jealousy and surprise using colours in a given grid.

Phase 2 [NIFT 2022]
It consists of 2-hour Situation Test in which candidates are given certain materials and asked to create a 3D model or handicraft.
Sample questions:

a) Make a pretty party mask face with the material provided:

Handmade paper – crepe paper – stapler and pins – cardboard – rubber hands – ice cream and bamboo sticks

b) Design a stage for a rock concert with the materials provided:

Thermocol sheet – cardboard sheets – A4 paper – pastel color – 2-meter copper wire – 4 pastel paper sheets of green, red, blue, and yellow. One golden and silver sheet each.

Useful Tips [NIFT 2022]

• Practice is the key to success. Sketch almost anything and everything you come across.
• Browse through newspapers, magazines, and online sites.
• Gather ideas from advertisements, posters, and banners.
• Keep eraser away while practicing and become confident.
• Give importance to detailing where necessary – like the human face or outfit.
• Master the skills of human illustration. Concentrate more on proportions and form.
• Calligraphy skills come handy in posters and banner design. Learn and practice different styles of lettering.
• Stick to the prescribed syllabus of the NIFT entrance test.
• First, make a light sketch and then darken the drawing after gaining confidence. This helps in saving time – no erasing mistakes.


Right approach to Crack NID Entrance Test


It is a misconception that NID tests sketching skills. Nope. Questions are meant to judge creativity, imagination, visualization skills and general awareness. Developing these skills is vital.


Creativity is an esoteric phenomenon. There is no universal definition – highly interpretative. Perhaps it is the ability to come up with fresh, original and unconventional ideas. Possess a profound insight to problem-solving.



Creativity is an esoteric phenomenon. There is no universal definition – highly interpretative. Perhaps it is the ability to come up with fresh, original and unconventional ideas. Possess a profound insight to problem-solving.


Drawing and creative skills are futile if you do not present thoughts in the specified time. Lose marks if you fail to answer or submit an incomplete paper. It does not matter how good you are at your work. Speed matters a lot and makes all the difference between success and failure.

4.Previous papers

Study previous papers of NID. Solve at least 8-10 past papers within the time limit. Find a comfortable sequence of answering the paper. If you hit a mental block, breathe deeply, relax and then attempt the questions.

5. Size

Do not practice in A3 size sketch books. Work in A4 size as it is the standard size of answer sheets in the examinations.

6. Rote learning

Do not mug up G.K. books. Be aware of what is happening around. Read quality newspapers regularly. Increase your power of observation. Find out about professionals who have contributed innovative designs. Read books and magazines. Develop a genuine passion for your work.

7. Motivation

Find a deep and compelling reason to clear the test. Motivate yourself. Work with dollops of enthusiasm. Be amazed to discover new ideas.

8. Outline

In the questions requiring drawing, sketch with a light hand first and outline sans details. Once satisfied with the proportions and the rough outline, proceed with finalization. This saves a lot of time that students usually squander in erasing and re-drawing.

9. Medium

Practice more with dry mediums (colours). They are convenient to use and take less time in exams.

10. Schedule

Plan the time for school or college study and balance it with entrance preparation. Use time effectively with a time-table.

The Design Aptitude Test (DAT)

The three-hour test (NID) focuses on finding general mental ability and the aptitude for design. It comprises object drawing, dimensions, human figure drawing, proportions, story illustrations, colour concepts and schemes, visual reasoning, advertising, worldview, sensitivity to the environment, and communication skills. The combination ratio of the topics varies every year. NID entrance syllabus based on knowledge based test, comprehension based test and analytical and reasoning based questions. It covers more of GK and tests basic Maths level – not aptitude-related ones.

Aspirants can develop an idea of what to expect in NID DAT by going through sample questions listed below:

1) Compare the benefits of Yoga and Gym on your physique. Give four points.
2) Complete the below-mentioned abbreviations
3) VHS is one of the most common formats of a home video recorder. What does VHS stand for:
•Video Home System
•Video Horizontal Standard
•Very high speed
• Voltage House Standard
4) Which among the following is not a function associated with Indian Space Research Organisation?
•Remote sensing
•Nuclear power generation
• Meteorological application
5) An amount of Rs 1700 is deposited in your bank for a period of one year, gives you returns of Rs 1802 at an interest rate of:
6) Choose any four words out of the following given set of words and frame one sentence story:
•Ice-cream, song, child, truck, parents, water, hurry
•Mannequin, wonder, separate, rarely, eclipse, swim, general
•School, afraid, teacher, difficult, tomorrow, candle, pen
7) Write the names of any 4 Presidents of India.
8) Identify the country whose flag has been displayed here:
Sri Lanka

9) Expand the acronyms:

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