The OPUS Way



The OPUS CLAT Mock series is essential for those of you who are planning to take the CLAT.

Availability: 5020 in stock

SKU: 100 Category:
  • 50 FLT’s (20 (New CLAT pattern) + 30 Old is gold, Plus 3 AILET / 2 SET /  LSAT)
  • Detailed section wise analytics with percentile
  • The most comprehensive Mock Tests for CLAT / AILET / SET / LSAT
  • Detailed solutions with shortcuts
  • Analyse your performance with detailed reports
  • Based on the OFFICIAL CLAT 2025 pattern.


The OPUS CLAT Mock series is essential for those of you who are planning to take the CLAT. CLAT mock series are touted to be some of the toughest mocks in the industry and the entire curriculum will not only help you understand where you stand in your prep, but also build on all the concepts that are tested for the CLAT and other allied law entrance exams. The OPUS CLAT mock series cover every aspect of the test keeping the latest trends in CLAT in mind. Each mock is designed on the CLAT model and has all the analytics you need to gauge your performance. Review mocks at your own pace with the explanatory answers and understand where you’re going wrong.

If you’re serious about cracking the CLAT and the other All India Law entrances, the OPUS CLAT Mock test Package will be your ideal partner in your journey to that top rank! Think NLS / NALSAR / NUJS etc. Our advanced curriculum and integrated learning systems embed the latest trends in CLAT / AILET / SET / LSAT and test you on higher order thinking skills. We have mastered these exams and developed in-trend mocks to help you achieve your goal.

Key Features

  • Complete access to our Online Suite which comprises of test resources, GK supplements, past years’ papers and OPUS updates
  • 20, 000 + online questions (assorted as topic wise tests) with analytics and explanatory answers in a test format
  • Online CLAT full length mocks with analytics and explanatory answers. These tests are designed keeping in mind the latest trends in CLAT
  • 45 Full Length Mocks (15 (New clat pattern) + 25 Old is gold, Plus 5 AILET / 2 SET / 3 LSAT)
  • Access to our mentors over mail
  • Conversion to OPUS classroom courses at a discount
  • 15 (New clat pattern) + 25 (Old is gold)
  • Thorough SWOT Analysis and feedback reports
  • CLAT Interface / LSAT interface (NLU D AILET an offline exam)
  • Advanced questions spanning across all the concepts
  • Real CLAT Feel, Easy to access
  • Real Time Analytics
  • Time Management Data
  • Topic Wise Analytics
  • Advanced Dashboard
  • Latest Current Affairs tested
  • Most Effective Solutions, Developed by industry leaders

What is the target audience?

  • If you’re not available to attend the full time OPUS course, you have the privilege of getting access to all of our onlineresources. Ideal for students who stay in small towns and other cities but want a superb set of material to study from.

Each Mock has been carefully developed by selecting questions which test you on every area that the CLAT can possibly conceive. We’re a step ahead :p. The package will include an amazing array of Mocks and features that is sure to get you to put your thinking cap on and on completion will definitely help you rock the CLAT!!!

CLAT Course Curriculum

✓ English:
Reading Comprehension / Grammar / Vocabulary including cloze test

✓ Logic:
Verbal Reasoning” Logical Connectives / Syllogisms / Courses of Action / Degree of truth and falsity / Evidence based passages / Conclusions / Assumptions / Forcefulness of arguments / Critical Reasoning / Parajumbles / Assertion and reason / Inferences etc.

✓ Analytical Reasoning:
Logic Games / Arrangements / Letter and number Series / Coding decoding / Clocks and Calendars / Truth Tables / Input – Output / Data interpretation / Cube / Logical Venn Diagrams / Directions / Blood relations

✓ Quantitative:
Numbers / HCF LCM / Ratio’s / Percentages / Averages / Profit and Loss / Time Speed Distance / Time and Work / Rates (SI and CI) / Permutation and combinations / Probability / Algebra and geometry basics

✓ Legal Reasoning

  • Law of Torts:Indroduction, Fundamental Concepts, General Defenses, Vicarious Liabilty, Nuisance, Negligence, defamation,Tresspass, Strict and Absolute Liabilty, Malicious Prosecution, damages, Solved Examples, Mentor Exercise
  • Law Of Contract:Introduction, Offer & Acceptance,Intention to create legal relations,Legal Considerations, Free Consent, Capacity, Legality of Agreements,Discharge of a contract, Remedies for Breach of contract, Special Contracts, Mentor Exercise
  • Law Of Crimes:Introduction, General Exceptions, Crimes, Mentor Exercise
  • Constitutional Law
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • International Law

✓ Legal GK:
Constitution & political System, Important Legislations,Important Cases, Important Legal Personalities, Quotes on Law, Legal Abbreviations, Literature & Law, IPC -Important Sections, Words And phrases of foreign Origin, Legal Maxims, Important, Commissions, Important International Commissions, Convenants, AND Protocols, Jurisdictions & Seat of High Courts, Legal Vocabulary

✓ GK: Static GK
Computer, Science, human Body, Indian History, World History, World Geography, Indian Geography, Indian Economy, Important Business & General Terms, Indian miscellenia, World Organizations,Sports, Honours & Awards, Miscellaneous

✓ Current Affairs: Broad Categories for Current Affairs
National, World, Sports, Awards, Appointments, Deaths, Rankings, Index, etc

Enrol Now


[stm_course_lessons title=”Section 1: Introduction to Handstands”][stm_course_lesson icon=”fa fa-play-circle” badge=”video” private_lesson=”true” title=”Welcome to the Course!” src=”““” width=”“560“” height=”“315“” frameborder=”“0“” preview_video=”” meta=”08:55″ meta_icon=”fa fa-clock-o” private_placeholder=”Sorry, you can view this section only after purchasing the course”]Welcome to your firs’t CLAT video tutorial. This video will start with a simple introduction of clat exam. Then, You will open up law cause. Does it scare you to think that the CLAT exam can be cleared with a preparation time of less than one month?

Before you dismiss this as a pipe-dream or a figment of the imagination, OPUS reminds you that many candidates have actually cracked the test with just three weeks of preparation.

[/stm_course_lesson][stm_course_lesson icon=”fa fa-file” badge=”free” title=”Course Introduction and Manual” meta=”Course Details” meta_icon=”fa fa-paperclip”]The CLAT crash course of The Opus Way is an excellent way of boosting one’s preparation in the final minutes before the CLAT. Although the crash course is of short duration, nevertheless it equips the law aspirants with useful tricks and techniques that prove to be essential for scoring high in CLAT.

View Course[/stm_course_lesson][/stm_course_lessons][stm_course_lessons title=”Section 2: Reference Material, Moodboards and Mind Mapping”][stm_course_lesson icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_yoga” badge=”seminar” title=”Advanced Course Preparation” meta=”01:20:00″ meta_icon=”fa fa-clock-o”]

CLAT Mock Test Details

The OPUS Mock Test series is your ultimate guide to crack the CLAT and other law entrance exams. Each and every OPUS mock is designed to test you at the highest level and across all topics, with the real CLAT feel. Each Mock has been carefully developed by selecting questions which test you on every area that the CLAT can possibly conceive. We’re a step ahead :p. The package will include an amazing array of Mocks and features that is sure to get you to put your thinking cap on and on completion will definitely help you rock the CLAT!!!

  • 35 Full Length CLAT Mocks
  • Think NLS / NALSAR / NUJS etc
  • 5 AILET + 3 SET + 2 LSAT
  • Access to mentors over mail
  • Thorough SWOT Analysis and feedback reports
  • CLAT Interface / LSAT interface (NLU D AILET an offline exam)
  • Advanced questions spanning across all the concepts
  • Real CLAT Feel
  • Easy to access
  • Real Time Analytics
  • Time Management Data
  • Topic Wise Analytics
  • Advanced Dashboard
  • Latest Current Affairs tested
  • Most Effective Solutions
  • Developed by industry leaders

[/stm_course_lesson][stm_course_lesson icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_youtube_play” badge=”video” private_lesson=”true” title=”Ipshita Bhuwania – Decoding the mind of a topper” preview_video=”” meta=”02:41″ meta_icon=”fa fa-clock-o”]

Decoding the mind of a topper

[/stm_course_lesson][stm_course_lesson icon=”fa fa-check-square” badge=”quiz” title=”CLAT Mock Test Practice” meta=”10000+ questions” meta_icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_graduation-hat”]The OPUS CLAT Mock series is essential for those of you who are planning to take the CLAT. CLAT mock series are touted to be some of the toughest mocks in the industry and the entire curriculum will not only help you understand where you stand in your prep, but also build on all the concepts that are tested for the CLAT and other allied law entrance exams.[/stm_course_lesson][/stm_course_lessons][stm_course_lessons title=”Section 3: Mastering The CLAT Entrance Exam”][stm_course_lesson icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_paint_palette” badge=”activity” title=”Why CLAT Coaching The OPUS Way?” meta_icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_book_black” meta=”Study Material”]Our CLAT Coaching course content:Each OPUS lesson has been developed using one of our hallmark strategies, “Learning by Doing.” After 10 years of teaching students acing the CLAT, our top instructors pooled their knowledge to create this unparalleled collection of CLAT Coaching strategies and targeted content coverage. In each lesson you will learn by doing challenging problems; you will master the core CLAT content that is critical to success; and you will begin to “Think Like the Testmaker”, understanding how the authors of the CLAT take these content areas and question types and challenge even the most capable pre-Law school students.
NOTE: For Current Affairs OPUS compiles material on a daily basis and is uploaded onto your student account on the website. There are over 1000 pages of material pertaining to the current affairs section for The CLAT. These CLAT Coaching supplements are followed by questions online

OPUS which is very famous and popular for CLAT Coaching has been a pioneer in test prep coaching in Kolkata, for a good 5 years. Moulding rankers every year, we do know how the CLAT (and other law entrances) works. It’s not just that! We have had the highest number of students cracking the top 5 (NLS, NUJS, NALSAR, NLU – D, NLU Jodhpur) from Kolkata since 2012. That’s right! No other CLAT Coaching institute comes even close. We have a whopping 95% of our students getting into the top 15 and at least 30% every year getting into the top 6. We get these results because… We are dedicated professionals with a single point agenda to get you to succeed. Our CLAT Coaching mentors have been painstakingly working towards providing the best-in-class training and a curriculum that will not only help you crack the CLAT but will also instil in your razor sharp skills that are so necessary to succeed at Law School. This makes us the best CLAT coaching team available![/stm_course_lesson][stm_course_lesson icon=”fa fa-check-square” badge=”quiz” title=”Classroom Practice Test” meta=”50 questions” meta_icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_graduation-hat”]This test will reveal how well you are acquiring the new material based on a short quiz of fifty questions and a short writing assignment in every class.[/stm_course_lesson][/stm_course_lessons][stm_course_lessons title=”Section 4: Conclusions and Evaluation”][stm_course_lesson icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_teacher” badge=”lecture” title=”Collecting Together Reference Material” meta_icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_book_stack” meta=”References”]This final lecture will evaluate expectations and real gained knowledge and experience. Lecturer will share some self-development sources for further independent training of course participants.[/stm_course_lesson][stm_course_lesson icon=”stmlms-screen” badge=”exam” title=”Final Assessment Task” meta=”Final”]Every course participant will be given a personalized practical task for every aspirant to build their internal confidence and time management ability to crack the exam.[/stm_course_lesson][stm_course_lesson icon=”fa-icon-stm_icon_seo_monitoring” title=”Presentation” meta=”End of course” meta_icon=”fa fa-flag-checkered”]Every course participant will have to present his final assessment task result in his chosen individual manner to the students.[/stm_course_lesson][/stm_course_lessons]

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