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How to Prepare for CLAT Exam – Best CLAT Preparation Tips | CLAT Coaching

How to Prepare for CLAT Exam – Best CLAT Preparation Tips | CLAT Coaching. There is a need to delve deep and find useful tips for various sections of the CLAT 2023 exam. Before we proceed to do so, let us have a look at some quick preparation tips for CLAT 2023. To begin with, you need to learn time management well. Solve numerical problems up to Standard 12 level. Focus on legal aptitude. Be updated with current affairs and static General Knowledge. Do not waste time on a single question in case you are stuck. Assess your performance periodically. Aim to be accurate in solving mathematical problems. Ameliorate your language and prepare well for English comprehension.

Regarding study tips for CLAT 2023, here is a list of what kind of points you need to bear in mind while formulating a winning strategy. You are likely to be aware of some of the general observations made here but take this as a clarion call to stick to the list with utmost dedication. OPUS shoulders the responsibility of making you ready for the litmus test. These elaborate ruminations are a step in that direction.

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How to Prepare for CLAT Exam | Chart a Study Plan

Plan your daily routine and the study routine. Some study better at night while some prefer early morning hours. Do not waste time on frivolous activities. Do exercise and meditate for good health. Keep your mind focussed and stress-free.

Follow Test Pattern

Know the pattern of the examination and marking scheme.

Study the Entire Syllabus

Cover essential parts of the syllabus. Do not leave out anything just because you do not like that portion.

Practice Mock Tests

Mock tests are important in determining your success in exams. Your performance in mock tests indicates your performance in the real test.

Pay Attention to all sections

Do not ignore sections you do not consider important. Attention must be paid to all sections of the syllabus.

Prepare study Notes

Prepare notes and jot down important points from what you study. It is easy to study from your own notes rather than from books. These notes will benefit you in the last 30 days of CLAT Preparation.

Discuss with Friends and Teachers

Discuss the syllabus and notes with friends and teachers. It helps you widen your circle of friends.

Think Positive

Learn to think positive and stay positive. Remove negative thoughts from your mind by pursuing things that interest you a lot.
Let us now formulate a general strategy for each section of CLAT 2023 as this will enable candidates to have a better understanding of how to approach the CLAT examination.

English Preparation Tips for CLAT 2023

Proficiency in English

The English language cannot be mastered in a short span of time. You need to read and write a lot to improve your expression. English is a key area. Most laws are available in English and understanding of law demands a high-level proficiency in English.

Extensive Reading

Read more to improve the language. Read books, magazines, journals, newspapers, and novels to enhance your word power and make your expression lucid.

Study Grammar

Pore over the basics of grammar and this can be done by following school level grammar textbooks to strengthen your foundation. You need to get your grammar correct. Rectify the errors to secure a good rank in CLAT 2023.

Read The Editorial Page

The impeccable English used in newspaper editorials and opinion columns improves your English. A number of esteemed publications can help in your CLAT 2023 of journey.

Cloze Test

Cloze test has emerged as an important part of this section. Do not forget to prepare for cloze test.

Mathematics Preparation Tips for CLAT 2023

For law aspirants, mathematics is not a big deal as it requires school level competency. Follow NCERT Mathematics matriculation level textbooks. There are various school level topics in mathematics that need your attention. Keep in mind that the mathematics is not as tough as preparing for engineering entrance tests. Rewind and revisit your school textbooks. It could stir nostalgia.

Tips for Legal Aptitude for CLAT 2023

Legal aptitude is the most vital section of CLAT 2023. Important book references are Constitution of India and Legal Penal Code. Refer to books like “Most commonly used legal terms” and “legal glossary terms”. It is important to grasp legal terms and most commonly used terms. It is necessary to read law magazines and journals and have a clear legal perspective on issues or have the more legal opinion on issues that matter.

This section tests the candidate’s interest in the study of law, research aptitude and problem-solving ability. Questions are framed with the help of legal propositions (described in the paper), and a set of facts to which the said proposition has to be applied. Candidates need to assume the “truth” of these propositions and answer the questions. This part comprises 4 major topics – Law of Contract, Law of Torts, Criminal Law, and Indian Constitution.

Logical Reasoning Preparation Tips for CLAT 2023

The most popular topics asked in the Logical Reasoning section of the CLAT Exam are listed as follows.

Puzzles, Seating Arrangement, Logical Sequences, Number Test, Verbal Reasoning, Family/Blood Relation, Ranking and Order, Coding-Decoding, Syllogisms, Statement Conclusion/Assumption, Pairing, Data Interpretation, Inference-based question, Calendar, Directions, Para-jumbles.

–          Classification: Absolutely easy to solve.

–          Arrange words in logical order:  Candidates get this right if they know ABCD alphabets well. This is mere sequential arrangement – possible with good observation.

–          Syllogism: Draw Venn Diagrams to stave off confusion. Sometimes questions are tricky and need meticulous reading.

–          Verbal Analogies: A rich vocabulary will help to solve this section. Establish the relationship between the two words.

–          Analysis Judgment: This requires critical thinking and also takes a lot of time to solve. Questions include blood relation, direction, height and sequence. Good practice enables you to solve this fast.

–          Numerical Operations: Section is easy when you are well versed with the formulae.

–          Coding-Decoding: Coding-Decoding is tricky and needs time and attention.

–          Non-Verbal Reasoning: Pictorial Analogies, Symbol series, symbolic operations, numeric patterns, spatial relations, space visualizations, spatial reasoning, mirror image and space image are examples of questions. These require substantial practice.

–          Matrix and Puzzles: This section tests your creative approach to solve problems. It is a tad difficult and devours time. Some find it easy whereas others have to practice a lot to gain expertise.

You are likely to have more clarity regarding the preparation approach to the CLAT exam 2023 now. OPUS prepares young minds for success in this examination. Following a consistent pattern of preparation ensures an easy breakthrough in a leading law college of the country.

Wish you all success!

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FAQs – How to Prepare for CLAT – Preparation Tips & Study Plan

Q: What kinds of questions do you get in the CLAT?

A: CLAT will ask comprehension-based questions, according to the test pattern. The passages will be used to frame multiple-choice questions.

Q: How should I prepare for the CLAT legal aptitude exam starting in 11th grade?

A: You should begin by reading basic polity, constitution, and law texts. After you’ve mastered the fundamentals, you should concentrate on gaining a conceptual knowledge of legal issues, legislation, and prepositions, among other things. After that, before taking the exam, you should complete a large number of practise papers.

Q: What should I read for the CLAT current affairs section?

A: For CLAT current events, you should read a daily newspaper and a monthly magazine.

Q: What is the number of questions in CLAT UG?

A: CLAT will include 150 questions. Each question is worth one point, with 0.25 points subtracted for each incorrect response.

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