The OPUS Way

Making it to a top law school


Not long back, people had a misplaced perception about law and lawyers. It was considered to be the last and always available choice. Thanks to the efforts put in by the prestigious institutes, especially the National Law schools, the image has undergone a sea change, to the extent that law is now considered to be the career of the future.


You can’t get into a top law school

The statement may look discouraging, but if your preparation for the law school exams is half-baked, the statement may only be too true. The problem with most students aspiring for top law schools is the same. April arrives and the exam that appeared a cakewalk all these months appears to be a real uphill task.

So, if you are a career conscious law aspirant, who realizes the value of a seat in NLSIU Bangalore, NUJS Kolkata or NALSAR, Hyderabad or the like, WAKE UP!

Here are a few tips to make your journey smoother.

1.     Decide WHOLE-HEARTEDLY in favour of or against Law

Don’t be half-hearted in your approach. Explore the opportunities and try to know the avenues available and the struggle it takes to succeed in this field. Then, if you feel that you have what it takes to be a lawyer, get into preparation mode. If not, forget it!

2.     Aim HIGH

If you decide in favour of law, aim high. Prepare for top law institutes. Don’t nurture the notion that a degree in law from any college is just the same. It is like equating Mercedes with Maruti (no offence intended!).

3.     Develop a legal eye

Take interest in the related events. Read reports on important judgments of Supreme Court reported in the news papers. Try to analyze from your perspective and make an effort to understand the rationale behind the orders. Particularly, if you lay your hands on any case in which the Supreme Court has reversed the judgment of High Court, get deep into it and see the approach adopted by two courts.

4.     Preparation must be focused and continuous

Having decided that you want to land in an elite law school, you can not afford to treat the preparation as an optional pastime. The preparation has to be regular and serious. You cannot allow the preparation to pass through the fortnightly cycles of on and off. Preparation for a tough exam needs to be tougher and law is no exception.


What law offers?

1.     Opportunities

Opportunities are now galore in the field of law. MNC’s are always looking for law experts to ensure that their projects don’t get entangled in legal problems. Law firms with pool of resources and talent are searching for legal brains. Avenues like legal writers, teachers and researchers are always there.  And of course, the practice in a court of law tops them all.

2.     Money

Law is turning out to be a lucrative career. In practice, only you will decide the limit. Of course, the money doesn’t start pouring in on your first day in court.

3.     Creative satisfaction 

It is law’s interpretation by the lawyer going deep into the minds of law makers that brings to life the apparently confusing plethora of law books.

4.     Be your own boss

After a brief stint under a ‘senior’ to supplement the academic knowledge with procedural practicalities, you are ready to hold the reins of your future. How much you want to give to and take from your profession is now entirely upto you.

5.     You never retire

This is the profession with no retirement age. In fact, you can at anytime decide to enhance or reduce your involvement. Many people still do law along with their other regular job, only to utilize this degree after the retirement. It is generally seen that the more years you spend in the profession, the higher is the remuneration.

The promising things above are not without their share of challenges. And getting into a good law school is the first mountain to conquer. The mountain, however, is not insurmountable.

So, if you feel you are ready to make a difference to the law of land and to the lives of millions, be a lawyer.

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