The OPUS Way

Logical Reasoning section – Tackle it and Half the battle won

Logical Reasoning section – Tackle it and Half the battle won | It is logical to comment that you are closer to victory in the CLAT examination if your grip over logical reasoning is strong. Half the battle is already won with your easy command over the CLAT logic section. You are perhaps thinking it is tough like Mathematics. OPUS assures you it is not. On the contrary, it is the easiest section to deal with.

The scope of technical knowledge in logical reasoning is limited. Yet some other factors of logical reasoning can give you a definite edge.

OPUS urges you to identify the myriad aspects of answering a logical reasoning question rather than building focus on the knowledge required in the field. The time you consume in answering the logical reasoning questions is of utmost importance. You should be able to finish it fairly fast. Make a list of all the topics coming under the logical section. And launch the mammoth attack.


Speed counts

Logical reasoning is an area where you can save time. Speed matters. The truth is that students mop up a lot more time than actually needed since logical reasoning questions appear ambiguous if not read between the lines. Besides, students are a tad apprehensive of an unsure answer. The candidates have to learn how to focus and answer quickly while remaining calm.

OPUS trains you to zero in on the second crucial aspect of answering CLAT logic section questions: technical prowess.

Students consult a plethora of books, attend multiple crash courses and indulge in lots of practice modules. But unfortunately, they are still unable to figure out a comfortable technique to solve a particular kind of question.

Find your forte

There exist several ways of cracking a logical reasoning question but every candidate should identify one fixed technique for one kind of questions and gain perfection in it.

The technique need not involve solving the question completely but if it is efficient and makes the student feel comfortable, he should master this technique. As simple as that.

Take the example of para-jumbles. Logical Reasoning can be solved by finding mandatory pairs based on keywords and then re-arranging these in a logical sequence. At times, all you need to perform is to identify what the first statement is going to be in the sequence, and then look at the available options and eliminate the most. A trial and error method can be employed to check which given sequence in the option makes better sense. The aspirant should find a comfortable technique and then perfect it so that he can turn it as time efficient as possible.

Stay confident

OPUS believes the most important aspect required in this section is confidence. Link it with the efficiency of the adopted technique and your pace of solving these. Your confidence in the chosen technique will enable you to solve a question faster and proceed to tackle the next one.  

The ground reality is pretty depressing. Students are diffident before attempting a question and remain mired in doubt after answering it. They check the answer again to find a mistake. Squandering time in verification adds to nervousness. Therefore, approach every question with confidence in your instinct and ability to fix it right. This will enable you to solve them all in quick time.

This aspect of confidence is limited to attempting the paper. While making preparations you have to gain confidence through concerted efforts. You cannot afford to remain over-confident regarding your preparation to stave off the possibility of making silly errors. Just carry the core belief that no effort will go waste. Everything counts and makes a positive contribution. OPUS gets you there in the top list if you practice a lot.

Practice more

Although it sounds clichéd, practice is the key to delivering victory in the entrance test. Period.  When you practice sincerely, you need not worry about the outcome. A stroke of luck is however involved. But these factors are beyond your control. So it is prudent to restrict your worries to the things that you can improve and tackle. When you practice for logical reasoning, face different topics and follow the mix and match formula. Avoid similar type of questions in one slot. This could also make it a lot easier for you to gain competence. Remember, Logical Reasoning tests your analytical skills more than the pool of knowledge. Develop the analytical side of your brain by trying out questions, solving puzzles, Sudoku et al. Such brain-teasing exercises work wonders for you!

Points of merit

Bear in mind when it comes to logic: You cannot revise anything in this section. There is nothing new to learn. You have solved lots of questions and now what you have learnt is how to think and solve those questions. In all probability, your speed in solving might have accelerated. That is a great contributor to your success.  Do not forget there are some typical questions meant to scare and prepare you for the worst. In CLAT examination, there will be two options which will be confusing and mostly there shall be one definite answer. If a particular set of wrong answers over the past few months is keeping you unsure of your strength in the logic section, overcome your fears and just relax. Worries do not solve anything.  OPUS tells you the bitter truth for your good.

Junk the clutter

Remove all clutter piling up within your system before the exam due to the surfeit of exposure to books and guides and fellow contenders. Get one thing clear in your head. If you have done Logical Reasoning sincerely for two months, tried out quite a few problems and solved them diligently, you do not need to scrunch your forehead even if you are getting around 60 % accuracy. The level of difficulty of the questions in these books and coaching class modules is very high and confusing wherein there might be confusion between all four options and simple intricacies lead you to the answer hence you get it incorrect.  OPUS finds this observation valuable to share with aspirants who infer a lot from their modest scores.

Flow with Logical reasoning Section

Questions examine your ability to be aware of the logical flow of an argument and spot the flaws in reasoning. These questions are designed to test your understanding of the logic followed. The passages or statements are often convoluted, tedious and difficult to understand, let alone trying to figure out some abstract logical argumentation. Do not let this bog you down, because the complex extracts are merely a facade to conceal a simple underlying logical argument.

Careful Reading

Begin by reading the passage or statements given. Read slowly and carefully once, making a mental note of the premises, and the conclusion drawn from those premises. Filter out jargon and understand what the core argument is. Read it again, this time, checking if there were any lapses in your understanding. Then check if the conclusion necessarily flows from the premises. If it does not, there is a logical flaw. Check for underlying presumptions in the argument.

Following these steps religiously could make you the victorious warrior. OPUS predicts a big win for you if you are able to put up a decent score in Logical Reasoning section. Even if there is another grey area, you can, at least, remain sure that this strong performance will take you through.

March ahead and script your success with hard work. All the best!

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