The OPUS Way

How to target the basics for the CLAT Exam

Get your basics right before you appear for the test. This aphorism applies in the case of CLAT as well because the popular and coveted entrance exam is largely structured around the basic level of competence you acquire at the school level. OPUS reminds you to believe that the right approach to the basics will ensure your clearance. It is those who do not pay attention to the basics are the ones who have to reappear and after a series of failed attempts they have to give up. The problem is that they took the basics for granted, not realising that this was the gateway to success they needed to consider in the first place.

In this context, it is important to make a list of common mistakes committed by the fraternity of candidates appearing for the CLAT exam. These basicmistakes can be rectified with ease. It is well within your scope to fix such gaffes. Just wake up to the reality and begin afresh.


1. ​DON’T​ panic before or during test

Don’t let the monster called panic get a grip on you. If it overpowers you, then it is going to make you slave and turn your allotted hours miserable. It will not let you answer even those questions that you were well prepared to face. Be confident and stay positive. Then you can answer everything you know. OPUS tells you this is one basic tenet you cannot ignore if you wish to crack the test.

2. Work hard ​+​ work smart

Working hard is not going to take you to the destination. You have to make sure that your hard work delivers tangible benefit. You can achieve this by analysing your performance and tweaking the focus of your preparation accordingly. Most aspirants flounder here. They stagnate with a mediocre score and get stuck. Candidates should bear the value of smart study in mind and strive accordingly to translate the dream into reality. OPUS tells you that there is nothing more suicidal than slogging without any awareness of the worth of the effort put in. 

3. Cramming ​is a ​waste of time and energy

This habit is tough to kick since it has been ingrained since school days. If you cram up the entire syllabus without proper understanding, then your position could be shaky. The questions in the CLAT exam are never direct. Always rephrased and raised indirectly. Just 2-3 questions are directly reproduced from previous year papers. So you can envisage your condition at that critical juncture. Avoid mugging up and understand topics with a perspective so that you can proceed well with your preparation and manage effectively in the examination. OPUS warns you to stay away from rote learning though it appears an easier task. It could lead you to disaster. This basic premise plays a pivotal role in strengthening your views regarding what should be done and should be avoided.

4. Never begin with the ​hardest​​

This is nothing less than faux pas that can cost you dear. It is not a good idea to attempt the most difficult question first. You run the risk of losing a major chunk of valuable time in the beginning. This triggers a nervous state and affects your morale. Once your confidence gets a jolt, there is no scope to put you on track during those precious hours. OPUS accentuates the benefits of beginning with the easy section and easy questions.

5. Misread​ing​ a question

Out of sheer panic, candidates tend to misinterpret the question and mark the answer accordingly, which proves disastrous at times. OPUS advises you to be thoroughly attentive and grasp the question well before answering it. Such small things matter a lot.

6. Wild Guess​ing​

Many candidates suffer on account of negative marking in the CLAT exam. This happens because some candidates make the blind guesses for the questions and mark the incorrect answer which costs them a penalty for that particular question.

Aspirants must avoid making this blunder of losing marks unnecessarily. Tick answers which you are certain otherwise skip to the next one. OPUS alerts you of the danger of losing your good score in the greed of making it better through a mere guessing game.

8. Preparing offline for an ​online exam

Candidates take an offline test for chalking out a strategy to allocate time to each section and every question. Making an offline strategy for an online exam is a nothing less than a monumental blunder.

One must try 3-4 online tests and work out a feasible strategy and allocate time to solve each section. While preparing online, speed gets reduced and it becomes difficult to scan all the questions at one go. Ample practice online will ensure smooth sailing. OPUS makes you familiar with the risk of exploring the offline option for an online test. 

8. Fail​ling to review​

As the CLAT exam carries negative marking, candidates usually mark the lengthy or tough questions for review in the end. This is a wise step. But the fact is that they either run out of time or forget to review the pending questions. At the end of round one of attempting the question paper, one must spare some time to review and mark answers for the unanswered ones. OPUS asks you to remember the pending tasks and try these at the end. This could make the difference between winning and losing – a wafer-thin line that you regret later.

9. ​Taking ​Excess time to answer

Thinking twice before marking an answer in multiple-choice questions is advisable. Watch out in case you are snail-paced. Limit time on thinking to manage the majority of questions in the stipulated time frame.

Don’t be egoistic when you cannot solve a question that has consumed much of your time. Look at the bigger scenario and move ahead. There are many other questions seeking equal attention. OPUS reads danger along this path if your ego is not cast away.

10. Attempt timed, full-length practice tests

Owing to constraints of time and busy schedule during the board exams, many students rarely allocate enough time to complete a full-length practice test in one sitting. Bear in mind that the CLAT exam comprises five sections. It means you have to develop the habit of concentrating for more than two hours on test day. Therefore, not doing full-length practice tests can pitchfork you in deep trouble. It would be better if you could simulate the conditions you will face on the D-day. You can get OPUS guidance to brace up for the challenges and acclimatizes well with what is going to happen to you on the day of reckoning.

Brace up to shun mistakes that limit your chances of success in the examination. Getting these basics right could act as the springboard to your success.

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