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General Knowledge preparation for CLAT exam

General Knowledge preparation for CLAT exam 2022 | As one of the highest scoring sections in CLAT or any other Law Entrance Exam, General Knowledge opens the gateway to success for well-prepared candidates.

Do not despair if you have started late. Cast away your worries regarding how to prepare and where to seek guidance from. Like a lodestar we show you the right path to follow. Brace up for challenges with our expert advice. To begin with, let us first examine the pattern of questions in the last three years in order to form an idea about CLAT 2016.  Then we proceed to share sources and tips.

Get familiar with the pattern of CLAT exam and prepare accordingly. 


Assessment of General Knowledge Section in CLAT 2022

General knowledge section in CLAT 2021 was easy to attempt vis-à-vis other sections. 35 – 40 questions were based on current affairs. Static GK comprised the rest. Questions related to politics and government exceeded the number of questions on sports. Aspirants with regular updates on current events found this section highly scoring. Those who did not proceed with GK on a regular basis ended up losing a wonderful opportunity to tilt the score in their favour.

Analysis of General Knowledge section in CLAT 2021

The GK section in CLAT 2021 was easier in comparison to what appeared in 2020. There was a balanced mix of static general knowledge and current affairs.  Around 5-6 questions were related to History and these were tough to answer. The rest of the section constituted test of knowledge of economy, personalities and international organizations. Smooth sailing in this section!

Analysis of General Knowledge section in CLAT 2020

The GK sections of 2020 and 2019 were not much different. The trend of asking more questions related to current affairs continued this year as well. General Science questions were few in comparison to the earlier years. A couple of questions from history were difficult to answer. The remaining section was related to questions based on personalities, world days and International Organizations. Law-related general knowledge covered the number of high courts in India and the 117th amendment. Some questions were repeated from the previous year.

How to prepare General Knowledge for CLAT 2019

Extensive and exhaustive coverage from one source is not possible. There is no single book that covers everything related to this section. Track current affairs from June 2018 to April 2019 for CLAT 2019. There is no set formulae required to be memorized in GK. Brace up for the challenge ahead with our guidance on what and how to prepare for GK.

1. Go through Previous Year Papers

It is a judicious move to rummage through the questions of the last three years. In case you have not been following current affairs regularly, you are likely to have missed out important, relevant information. With such a heavy backlog, you are prone to anxiety attacks. Chill. Do not panic. Make a list of important topics related to GK. While going through question papers from the previous papers, you will form a fair idea about the kind of questions asked in the exam. Prepare along similar lines after checking out the trend. If questions on international organizations and some particular sports are asked, there is a strong possibility of repetition of such questions.

2. Follow periodicals and magazines

There is a plethora of magazines for GK and current affairs available in the market. To enhance your knowledge in G.K. you can follow Manorama, India Today, Pratiyogita Darpan and Competition Success Review.  These magazines offer concise monthly news capsules useful for examination. Digging old, new online content or referring to old newspapers is next to impossible when you have little time to prepare GK for CLAT 2022.

3. Prepare strong areas first in GK

Identify your strong areas in the GK portion first and prioritize your preparation thoroughly. Business, economics, law, politics, sports or technology are the areas of keen interest. Do not limit your favourite areas. Focus on as many categories as possible. This will enable you to boost your confidence and bag a good score.

4.  Are you ready for the Big Test? Take Online Mock tests to assess your preparation

You are advised to take mock tests to check how prepared you are.  Besides, it strengthens your preparation. Aside from reading and gathering information from different sources, it is necessary to take online mock tests. Opt for the ones similar to the pattern found in the entrance exam. Join a good CLAT 2022 test series offering questions on the expected pattern in the form of MCQ’s and in time-bound environment.

5.  Subscribe to a news channel with thrust on quality content and objectivity

The news channels are active 24×7 and the news channels broadcast International and National news. Watch news bulletin for at least half an hour every day. Listen to business news and follow the headlines carefully. Make a note of important news developments in your copy.

Delete fun news and entertainment trivia from your daily quota of news. Tune in to quality news bulletins. Go through the same before the exam. If you have just a couple of months to prepare for GK before the CLAT exam, make it a priority to read news carefully.

6.Prepare online for GK or register for online quizzes

A great method to prepare GK for CLAT within limited time is to participate in online quizzes and evaluate your performance. This will ramp up your aplomb as you answer new questions daily. It will also give you a fair idea of your level of comfort in this domain. 

Some interesting facts

  • Participate in forumswhere issues of national importance, current affairs are discussed.
  • Follow websites of all leading channels. They discuss the recent but relatively stale news which cannot be prepared through news channels or newspapers.
  • DownloadNews Mobile Apps, for information on breaking news. News Mobile Apps can be very useful if you read the notifications published several times in a day. Go through in-depth news stories you find interesting and relevant to the exam.

Do not traverse extremes while preparing GK. Accept the fact that it is impossible to answer all questions correctly. It is sufficient to get most of the questions right. And to achieve this, one needs to make accurate predictions regarding the expected questions and make thorough preparations for the test.

If you are confident of the answer, attempting GK questions saves plenty of time. Spend the time saved on other sections. Proper utilisation of time.

Take OPUS CLAT 2022 mock test and check your level of preparation among thousands of aspirants slogging hard to crack the national level entrance test.

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