The OPUS Way

Fashion Design Program at Pearl Academy of Fashion

Fashion designing at Pearl Academy has gained considerable amount of reputation over the last few years since Pearl Academy has successfully produced graduates who have shined in the field of design. Pearl Academy is known for offering a number of courses on design and it is the variety of courses offered by Pearl Academy which makes the institution that of high reputation as well as one in which the students can choose what they want to study. Students can either opt for the graduate program at Pearl Academy where the fundamentals o fashion designing are taught or opt for the Post graduate program of study at Pearl Academy where fashion designing is taught in further detail. Pearl Academy has gained reputation amongst its contemporaries for ensuring placements for the institute’s graduates. Graduates from Pearl Academy have known to secure prestigious positions in the designing industry.

Pearl Academy pays close attention to its graduate program since students from all over the country go for the graduate designing program at Pearl Academy. Pearl Academy aims to impart in students a detailed understanding of developmental skills and designing skills since the faculty at Pearl Academy specializes in teaching students the importance of these two. Pearl Academy also trains its graduate students accurately in presenting fashion and their design skills. Since Pearl Academy believes in complete training of its graduates, training them about the presentation of their designed products is one of Pearl Academy’s primary features. Graduates at Pearl Academy are well versed with the presentation of their designed products and the faculty at Pearl Academy also trains them exclusively as far as gaining knowledge about marketed products are concerned. Graduates at Pearl Academy are trained and taught properly about the marketing of their design products, making Pearl Academy an institute where equal emphasis is laid on design as well as marketing the design.

The undergraduate design course at Pearl Academy is also instrumental in guiding students when it comes to their area of specialization. Pearl Academy does not confine its students to a particular area of design. Rather Pearl Academy chooses to distinguish each student and help him with his or her chosen area of specialization. Design for clothes which are suitable for men, women, children, athletes vary and Pearl Academy focuses on teaching its undergraduates how to ensure that designs for each clothing genre is different from the other. Pearl Academy teaches its students about various historic design and art movements which helped in reshaping fashion designing as a whole. By choosing to focus on subjects like these, Pearl Academy ensures that students have a thorough knowledge of fashion and how undergraduates at Pearl Academy can use their knowledge for contemporary fashion designing. All this makes graduation at Pearl Academy a rich and highly helpful academic experience.

For further information on Pearl Academy, one can visit The Opus Way which has more information on the institute and its various aspects.

For Admission Information: Pearl Admission

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