The OPUS Way

Can I Crack CLAT Without Maths?

Can I Crack CLAT Without Maths? The CLAT quantitative technique section is designed to test reasoning skills using elementary math, i.e., maths upto the 10th Class/standard. If you want to seriously crack CLAT 2023, focusing on the CLAT 2023 quantitative technique section may just as well be the key to get a super rank and differentiate yourself from the others. It’s just 15 marks, but it is a sure shot way to remain ahead of the competition. How? Because the quantitative technique. section in CLAT is actually pretty easy and definitely NOT THAT HARD. Most of the concepts are already known to you. All you have to do is revisit the foundations of arithmetic and core math and apply these concepts to some basic charts and tables to infer answers. Let’s get you to be more comfortable with the section and the syllabus so that your fears are allayed and you can finally be confident that the CLAT 2023 quantitative technique section is very manageable, even if you absolutely hate math 😛.

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Having a great plan to crack the CLAT Math section is definitely the first thing that you have to figure out.


While preparing for the CLAT exam do the following-

– Make a schedule and stick to it. Get serious about cracking CLAT 2023, because we know you can
– Practice mock tests and a host of different kinds of Data Interpretation types that are provided to you by OPUS. Get familiar with the section and you will then know exactly how to crack the CLAT quantitative technique section
– Get hold of good and reliable study material and resources that will help you pave the way to a great CLAT quantitative technique score

Note: The CLAT is a 2 hour exam with 150 questions. There are 5 sections with the quantitative technique section being 10% of the whole paper, or just 15 questions.

Marking scheme: Each correct answer will get you 1 mark, and each incorrect answer will deduct 0.25 marks. Unanswered questions are neutral, i.e. no impact on the marks.

CLAT Quantitative Techniques: Some Preparation tips for Maths for CLAT

– Work on your basics
– Use calculation tricks to speed up basic calculations for quicker attempts to save time
– Get the right resources. OPUS material is the best out there for CLAT quantitative technique
– Analyse your strengths and weaknesses and work out a plan to improve
– Use techniques such as ‘option plugging’ and elimination techniques to shortlist options to your advantage

The CLAT Math Syllabus:

The CLAT quantitative technique syllabus is broadly the following:

– Basic Arithmetic – upto class 8: Percentages, Ratios, Average, TSD, Time and Work etc.
– Basic Geometry and Mensuration: Area, Volume of 2d and 3d objects
– Basic Statistics: Elementary Probability, Mean and Permutation and Combination. No formulas, just basic applications
– Data Interpretation – drawing inferences from visual and passage based presentation of data

All of the above is familiar for you. There is nothing new. We’ll train you to master these core concepts. But you can definitely work at it on your own with the right resources.

How to Prepare for CLAT Math: Some Key points

1. Practice, Practice and Practice.

Maybe this sounds dramatic, but it is true. To crack a competitive exam like CLAT, having great fundamentals is fine, but applying these core concepts to CLAT problems and doing them fast make it a challenge. So practicing questions from a variety of resources will make you master the CLAT quantitative technique section and you finally have a great shot at a top National Law University. Have a clear strategy in place and make it a goal to practice 10 – 15 short data sets daily for 3 months before CLAT. Work on the concepts, then on your speed. You will be a CLAT 2023 quantitative technique section master in no time. We’ve seen tonnes of students perform amazingly in CLAT, and you will be no different if you have the right practice strategy for quantitative technique section in CLAT.

Ideally, your aim should be to attempt 3 sets in 15 minutes with an accuracy of 80 percent in the CLAT quantitative technique section.

2. Analysing Mocks Is The Key To Cracking CLAT And Other Competitive Exams

The above advice is the cornerstone of any toppers agenda. Practice is great, but analysing your performance is EVERYTHING. Understand your preparation through analysing your sectional scores, accuracy and topics. Once you get a snapshot of the areas that haven’t worked out for you, go and practice the basics again and re-attempt these questions and time yourself. Keep following this process till you have ultimately mastered the CLAT.

The same advice goes for the CLAT math section as well. Apart from honing your skills in math and quantitative techniques for CLAT, you will get used to attempting a diverse set of questions and get exposed to variety. This is crucial to crack CLAT and especially the quantitative technique section in the CLAT exam. So, you not only get comfortable with all the different question types, but also get better at solving new question types. You’ve become a pro!

Practice without performance evaluation is worthless. Understand your progress. Deeply analyse it and work on the areas that need improvement. This process may look painful initially, but it becomes fun when you see your mistakes going down and your scores soaring =)

3. Learn some basic formulas on the go

Rarely will the CLAT quantitative technique section ask you to apply a complex formula. However, some key tricks and formulas can come in handy to attempt specific questions. Use the OPUS quantitative technique handbook to get access to the most useful formulas that are easy to remember and even easier to apply.

4. A few more useful tips to crack CLAT and score high in the CLAT quantitative technique section

– Learn up the tables til 20×20, squares up to 30, and cubes up to 20. This is really helpful since direct applications have been tested in earlier CLAT papers in the math and reasoning sections
– Familiarise yourself with all the mensuration formulas for squares, circles and cubes. Use them to apply in basic geometry based questions.
– Remember that just because a set looks complicated it doesn’t have to be. Most CLAT questions are pretty basic and even though the data looks complex and boring, one can slice out important information in seconds and apply it to answer the questions. Being patient and working out the puzzles will get you an edge in the quantitative technique section in the CLAT. Out of 3 sets, 2 sets are basic and one looks hard. But again, if you seriously attempt the hard set, you’ll find that you can do it with ease. So be confident. Ideally 10 – 12 marks has been the toppers score for previous CLAT exams.
– Try to figure out your optimal time for the quantitative technique and math section in CLAT. We advise you not to spend more than 12 – 15 minutes for 2 – 3 sets for this section. This section is important, but CLAT has 4 more sections to score from. So, don’t get stuck on one section for too long.

In a nutshell

Consistent practice, analysing your performance and keeping a tab on your improvement is definitely going to get you a great score in the CLAT 2023 math / quantitative reasoning section for CLAT

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