The OPUS Way

Course structure and faculty at NLSIU

National Law School of India University (NLSIU) is one of India’s primary law teaching institutes. Established in 1987, NLSIU enjoys a high reputation amongst aspirants of law. NLSIU is known for its highly trained and reputed faculty and the goodwill the institution of NLSIU enjoys amongst other law teaching institutes. NLSIU also enjoys a prestigious historical past and enjoys the reputation of being the first law college in the country to start an undergraduate LLB course which has now gained popularity and spread to a number of law teaching institutes. NLSIU wanted to introduce a course which would be parallel to the professional courses of medicine and engineering. The undergraduate course of LLB at NLSIU attempts to provide the aspirant with thorough knowledge of not only law but history, sociology and other relevant subjects that might be helpful.

The duration of the course at NLSIU is of five years. During these five years at NLSIU, the aspirant is taught in details about subjects like social sciences, history and of course law. NLSIU teaches these subjects to the aspirants because a thorough knowledge of these subjects is necessary if one wishes to apply his or her legal knowledge. The subjects of politics, economics are a part of the curriculum NLSIU as far as the first two years of graduation are concerned. After the two years, the NLSIU curriculum consists of mainly subjects dealing with law and legal matters. The course structure at NLSIU is unique because NLSIU teaches its students a variety of subjects associated with law which is not featured regularly in the curriculum of other law teaching institutes. These subjects provide a thorough account of major legal happenings and allow students of NLSIU to access cases where these laws have been applied. The final year students of NLSIU are allowed to present seminar papers before they graduate. These seminar papers at NLSIU can be presented on a variety of legal topics. With the presentation of each paper, NLSIU students get to upgrade their legal knowledge and focus on particular areas of law.

NLSIU also boasts of having an excellent faculty which is one of the primary reasons why the institute has gained such a reputation amongst law teaching colleges. The faculty at NLSIU is selected from the best and students of other colleges who have excelled academically also join NLSIU in order to impart whatever they have learnt to the students. Eminent lawyers and faculty members of foreign universities also visit NSLIU so that students can get to know about the legal world from their vast experiences. The faculty at NLSIU not only teaches students properly, but is also instrumental in observing their progress as budding lawyers and legal advisors. It is not at all surprising that every year a lot of NLSIU graduates end up practicing law in courts or earn themselves high legal positions at firms and companies.

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