The OPUS Way

CLAT 2024 Quantitative Techniques Complete Syllаbus

The quantitative section for CLAT 2024 will test your mathematical reasoning abilities. In a nutshell, you will get visual data and you will have to interpret that data and answer some inferential questions based on the table, case lets, charts, diagrams and other forms of visual data. The core topics to be covered under this area will be from class 10 level mathematics including Percentages, Ratios, Time and Work, Time Speed Distance, Interest, Averages and some basic knowledge from Algebra and Geometry.


Quantitative Techniques For CLAT 2024

The CLAT quantitative techniques 2024 section is essentially a numerical reasoning based exam. The OPUS CLAT preparation modules are a fantastic resource to help build on concepts and strategies that will help you apply the new techniques to complex problems and solve them with ease. The CLAT 2024 Quantitative Techniques section is approximately 10% of the entire paper BUT it’s a determining factor for a top rank. So it is best not to ignore the section since your score in the Q.T (quantitative techniques) section may be a crucial determinant of your rank. In hindsight, even though the questions look daunting, they aren’t. Applying your foundational skills to these questions will be the game changer. In fact, it is one of the easiest section to crack and scoring 10 – 12 in this section is extremely doable even for those of you who hate math =)

The Core Syllabus For Quantitative Techniques For CLAT

CLAT Quantitative techniques is essentially elementary mathematics applied to data based questions. So nothing to be scared of here

  • – A really apt test taker for CLAT should be able to apply basic math knowledge to solve some situational problems that are asked in the quantitative section in CLAT 2024
  • – The questions will be broadly passage based with tables and charts and you will have to utilise some basic arithmetical tools to infer answers from the given data or fill in the missing information in the data based on some clues provided
  • – Since the majority of the questions will test you only on Arithmetic that is taught in class 8, 9 and 10, the section should be easy to crack for most of you. The range of questions and strategies are not that difficult.
  • – You can expect to see questions based on Charts, Graphs, Case lets, Pie Charts, Basic Mensuration, and other data formats which are explained in detail in your OPUS mentor books

Quantitative techniques for CLAT Preparation

#Build on your fundamentals

Your fundamental and core concepts in arithmetic will help you ace the CLAT 2024 quantitative technique and reasoning section. You can review these basics from the OPUS Core Concept Guide or refer to any class 8 – 10 NCERT mathematical foundation books. Having a strong base is essential to crack the quantitative techniques section for CLAT

#Practice Regularly

The Quantitative Techniques section needs regular practice. You should expose yourself to the variety of questions asked along with getting used to short calculation tricks and tenchiques to speed up in the Q.T section for the CLAT. Ideally, investing an hour a day to solve questions from the OPUS Q.T material for CLAT 2024 should be ideal and more than enough to get a great score in the section in CLAT 2024

#CLAT questions and answers

To get an idea of what the Quantitative Techniques section for CLAT 2024 is all about, you can refer to the past years’ paper or the OPUS Handbook on Q.T to get a clear idea of the standard of questions. So, try to attempt the CLAT 2020, CLAT 2021, CLAT 2022 Quantitative Techniques section to get a clear understanding of what is tested and then head to practicing similar questions from your OPUS practice material.

#Shortcuts and calculation techniques are crucial

The CLAT Quantitative Techniques section is all about interpreting data and using quick shortcuts to answer questions. You can practice some vedic math shortcuts for multiplying, dividing, adding and subtracting numbers really fast and additionally learn up the percentage table to speed up on the CLAT 2024 Q.T section. You can refer to the OPUS Quick Math guide to master these shortcuts to crack Quantitative Techniques. for CLAT

#Accuracy is key

Eventhough the CLAT 2024 Quantitative Techniques section will focus on fundamental concepts in mathematics, you will have to be super accurate with reading the data and answering questions. Since there is a negative marking of 0.25 for every wrong answer, you will want to ensure that your accuracy is high in the CLAT Q.T section to avoid getting penalised for calculation mistakes and errors that can easily be controlled

Analysing CLAT Quantitative Techniques

The past year’s Quantitative Techniques for CLAT section analysis reveals the following:

– The overall level of difficulty of the questions has been moderate. The stress was most on case let based questions that tested your calculation skills and concepts in percentages and rations
– Each year, the paper had 15 questions with 5 questions for each of the 3 passages for CLAT 2020 to CLAT 2022.
– Out of all sections, Quantitative Techniques has been the easiest to attempt with an ideal score of 10 – 12 marks each year

CLAT 2024 Exam Pattern and Structure

The CLAT 2024 Exam Pattern: 150 questions across 5 sections: Legal Reasoning | Critical Reasoning | Reading Comprehension | Quantitative Techniques | Current Affairs. Each question will carry 1 mark with 0.25 negative for every wrong answer. Unanswered questions will have no impact on your score. The exam will be for 2 hours. So 150 questions in 2 hours. Check out the detailed break up of the sections below:

SubjeсtsNо. оf Questions
English Lаnguаge28-32 questiоns
Сurrent Аffаirs, inсluding Generаl Knоwledge35-39 questiоns
Legаl Reаsоning35-39 questiоns
Lоgiсаl Reаsоning28-32 questiоns
Quаntitаtive Teсhniques13-17 questiоns
Total Questions150 questions

CLAT Marking Scheme 2024

The marking scheme for CLAT 2024 Quantitative Technique is as follows:

ParametersMarks Awarded
Correct Answer1 mark
Incorrect Answer– 0.25 marks
Unattended Answer0 marks

Quantitative Techniques – most important topics CLAT 2024

Mixed GrарhsTаble Сhаrt
Line GrарhBаr Grарh
Рie СhаrtСаselet DI (Раssаge Bаsed)
Elementary MаthemаtiсsNumber System
RootsDecimal and Fractions
Surds and IndicesAverage
HCF & LCMRatio & Proportion
Profit & Loss

##Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q: How many questions are asked in CLAT in Quantitative Techniques section?

A: The CLAT consortium has specified that 13 – 17 questions can be asked in the Quantitative Techniques section of the CLAT exam.

Q: Is there negative marking in the CLAT Math section?

A: For every wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted

Q: What are the most important topics to study for CLAT Quantitative Techniques section?

A: The CLAT Q.T will include concepts from Percentages, Ratio and proportion, basic arithmetic and basic mensuration and geometry

Q: How difficult is the CLAT Quantitative Techniques section?

A: Usually questions are asked based on class 10 level math concepts. So, these are not difficult at all and the Quantitative Techniques section is easy to prepare for

Q: Do I have to attempt all CLAT Quantitative Techniques questions?

A: Not at all, you should attempt questions that you’re comfortable with. Do remember, that there is negative marking. So over attempting questions may actually hit your score.

Q: What strategies should I follow for CLAT 2024 Quantitative Techniques in the last week before CLAT 2024?

A: 7 days should ideally be utilised to review and analyse your mocks and work on the areas that are bringing your mock test scores down. Revisit the basics, practice the different types of questions and relax =)

Q: How difficult were the previous quantitative techniques questions in CLAT?

A: Not difficult at all. The CLAT 2020, 2021 and 2022 Quantitative Techniques section has been pretty basic considering they asked questions only from ratios and percentages. That too very basic concept based questions. So there is nothing to worry about if your fundamentals are good

Q: How tough are the Q.T questions for CLAT?

A: Class 10 math. Easy questions. Focus on fundamentals

Q: Is maths required to crack the quantitative techniques questions for CLAT?

A: Even though the Q.T section tests your mathematical reasoning ability and not core mathematics, it will be really helpful if you have a strong base in class 10 level math. You will have more speed, better accuracy and definitely a higher score if your math base is good.

Q: What are the changes in the CLAT Q.T section for CLAT 2024?

A: The whole of CLAT changed its pattern to standard questions to passage based questions in 2020. The objective of the new pattern is to test your reading and reasoning ability and not focus on complex learning modules based on formulas and advanced math concepts and strategies.

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