The OPUS Way

CLAT Mathematics is easy, Here is why.


Here is why CLAT Mathematics is easy

Those appearing for competitive examinations grow jittery when it comes to mathematics. It is not a sudden fear or anxiety that grapples them. The fact is that CLAT mathematics is an area of serious concern right from school days. Remember your pre-board phase and the feverish days prior to the Maths test.

When CLAT aspirants face the harsh truth that CLAT mathematics will form a part of the entrance test though it does not have any connection with the study of law, they develop cold feet and conclude that their performance will be negatively affected because of mathematics alone.

OPUS assures you that these fears need not prevail. Mathematics is not the monster here. No rocket science involved here. It will surprise you to hear that it is, on the contrary, quite a golden opportunity to score well with ease in this section. You must be wondering how this is possible when the past experience tells a different, sordid tale.

Fight your fears

Keep in mind that the level of mathematics in CLAT is elementary to the core. Nothing beyond Class X. It is a cakewalk if you put in some routine practice. What you need to celebrate in addition is the lack of tricky areas to boggle your mind. Do not bury your nose in fat books and set a marathon task of completing a test of fifty tough sums in thirty minutes. What are you trying to prove by this? That you are a mathematician in the making? That you can prove your mettle in this domain? Please do not set such ambitious targets for yourself. The possibility of accuracy combined with amazing speed is low if you have not been too fond of this subject. If the level of success is not encouraging, it could push you into the throes of depression and make you sulk for the rest of the year. Why test yourself on this route? Stick to things that you are likely to encounter in the test instead.

Ground reality of CLAT Mathematics

Have you noticed that this component covers merely 10 % of the CLAT questions? Why should you get rattled about CLAT mathematics when it is easy and limited in scope? Read this as an opportunity to improve the score without spreading negativity in your mind. Assess the format before you finalise your strategy. Phobia should be the last thought to occur. Give space to a positive attitude and take CLAT mathematics section as your winning ally. Maybe, in the past you did not concentrate well on it, therefore, you could not score well. Or maybe, you did not have the right mentor. Bury the past. Begin on a fresh slate. The past performance should not form the basis of your thinking that mathematics is returning to ravage you and destroy your bright future. Give it a  fair chance, pay attention to it and then see how it contributes to your success.

With such an easy ground to operate, skipping mathematics is not a wise decision at all. Ask any pundit and he will dole out similar advice. Easy to score marks without putting in rigorous practice as you need for other sections like English is the key advantage that you cannot let go of.

Besides, the subjectivity here is non-existent. You can be sure of impressive performance in the section whereas in critical reasoning surety isdifficult to achieve.

Crack the strategy

The strategy to follow for this section is quite simple. Be familiar with the syllabus first. Master the basics.  Practice the simple questions well and also try  the slightly difficult ones to gain confidence. Do these and you have a winning edge.

OPUS shows the way

A brief look into the syllabus highlights four broad categories. First, number systems and fundamental techniques (percentages, fractions, averages and mean and  ratio/proportion). Second, application of the techniques and concepts learnt in the previous section (time and work, time and distance). Third, commercial Maths (comprising profit and loss, simple and compound interest). Lastly, the miscellaneous section (clock and calendar, permutation and combination, probability and sequence and series).

The last year CLAT question paper reveals that the first three categories comprise the major portion of the Maths section. An elementary understanding of these topics coupled with regular practice is important here.

Time it right

OPUS has observed that CLAT aspirants tend to complete the Maths section right in the beginning and then proceed to prepare for the law. This isnot good because speed is vital in the CLAT Mathematics section and one should remain in constant practice. The need for regular practice cannot be overlooked. The mantra for success in the Maths section is simple.  Do it at the right time.

The way ahead

After reading this piece, many of your fears and anxieties have been flushed out. You have found the ideal way to tackle what he has been a weak area. Follow the path shown and you will find that mathematics is actually much easier than what you have been thinking about it. OPUS wants to tell you that your mind should not be assailed with worries. This is the prime conditioning required to reassess your relationship with the ‘terrifying’ subject. Once you open your mind without any preconceived notions or biases, then your approach to this section will be fresh and positive. As a result, the performance will surpass your own expectations.  In addition, if you practice the given sections with sincerity and dedication, then this will certainly enable you to make a mark.

Here’s wishing you good friendship with mathematics!

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