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general knowledge quiz

CLAT General Knowledge – Quiz Facts 6 June


General Knowledge Quiz

Netherlands Now India’s 3rd Largest Export Partner!

The Netherlands has ascended to become India’s third-largest export partner, showcasing the dynamic and rapidly growing trade relationship between the two nations.

Key Points :

  • The Netherlands has become India’s third-largest export destination, surpassing established partners like UK and Germany.
  • This is despite a slight dip in India’s overall exports.
  • Key export sectors to the Netherlands include petroleum products, electrical goods, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals.
  • Trade between the two nations has grown steadily, with a growing trade surplus for India.
  • The Netherlands’ strategic location and excellent infrastructure make it a key entry point for Indian goods into Europe.
  • Strong political and economic ties further strengthen the India-Netherlands trade relationship, that’s it for first general knowledge quiz facts.


India’s Oil Dance: Russia Still on Top, But for How Long?


Despite Russia’s current dominance as India’s top oil supplier, shifting geopolitical landscapes and economic pressures are prompting questions about the sustainability of this position.

Key Points :

  • Russia remains India’s top oil supplier despite Western sanctions.
  • Imports have dipped due to sanctions challenges and higher tanker premiums.
  • India diversifies sources, turning to Iraq to fill the gap.
  • Shifting trends suggest a possible further decline in Russian oil imports.
  • Uncertainty remains as India navigates complex oil sourcing strategies, that’s it for second general knowledge quiz facts.

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