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general knowledge quiz

CLAT General Knowledge – Quiz Facts 25 June


General Knowledge Quiz

Global FDI Slump Hits India Hard!


Global FDI Slump Severely Impacts India.

Key Points :

  • UNCTAD’s World Investment Report 2024 indicates a 2% decline in global FDI inflows in 2023, with India experiencing a substantial 43% decrease, dropping its global ranking from 8th to 15th.
  • Despite the overall decline, India remains attractive for greenfield projects and international project finance, showcasing its continued appeal in specific investment areas.
  • The global FDI slide is attributed to cautious multinational companies amid global uncertainties, geopolitical tensions, trade disruptions, and stricter industrial policies leading to supply chain diversification.
  • Sectoral impacts include a significant drop in infrastructure-related project finance by 23% and a 46% decline in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, which are crucial for emerging economies, that’s it for first general knowledge quiz facts.

Uttar Pradesh Takes Flight for Vulture Conservation!


Uttar Pradesh Soars Ahead in Vulture Conservation Efforts.

Key Points :

  • The world’s first Asian King Vulture Center is established in Maharajganj, Uttar Pradesh, aiming to save the critically endangered Asian king vulture population, which has declined due to diclofenac poisoning.
  • The Jatayu Conservation and Breeding Center focuses on reviving the vulture population through high-tech monitoring and care, a controlled breeding program for monogamous birds, and releasing them into their natural habitat after successful reproduction.
  • Initial success with breeding pairs provides hope for the future, with plans for expansion to increase the vulture population and reintroduce them to the wild.
  • This initiative represents a significant step forward in conservation efforts, highlighting the importance of protecting and reviving endangered species, that’s it for second general knowledge quiz facts.

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