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general knowledge quiz

CLAT General Knowledge – Quiz Facts 19 July


General Knowledge Quiz


NASA Discovers Six New Exoplanets, Pushing Total Count Beyond 5,500!


NASA discovers six new exoplanets, pushing the total count beyond 5,500, expanding our understanding of the universe.

Key Points :

  • NASA identified six new planets outside our solar system, bringing the total to 5,502.
  • This discovery marks significant progress in exoplanet research, rapidly accelerating since the first confirmation in 1992.
  • The newly discovered planets showcase diverse characteristics, including super-Jupiters, potentially rocky planets, and a giant protoplanet.
  • Various techniques like radial velocity, transit method, and direct imaging were used for detection.
  • Space telescopes like TESS, Spitzer, Hubble, and Webb play a vital role in exoplanet discoveries.
  • Future missions like Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope and Habitable Worlds Observatory hold promise for finding life on other planets, that’s it for general knowledge quiz facts.

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