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general knowledge quiz

CLAT General Knowledge – Quiz Facts 14 June


General Knowledge Quiz


Uni Admissions Get Flexible! UGC Allows Biannual Intake


University Admissions Become More Adaptable! UGC Permits Biannual Intake for Enhanced Flexibility.

Key Points :

  • Indian universities can now hold admissions twice a year: July/August and January/February.
  • Flexibility for institutions: Universities can choose this system based on infrastructure and faculty availability.
  • The new biannual intake model significantly benefits students by reducing waiting times between admission cycles, addressing potential delays due to health issues, exam results, or personal circumstances, and aligning more closely with international models like those of US universities, which offer fall and spring intakes.
  • Goal: Improve efficiency, collaboration between universities, and boost Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) in India.
  • UGC previously allowed biannual admissions only for open, distance learning, and online programs. This benefited nearly 5 lakh students, that’s it for first general knowledge quiz facts.


From the First Case to Future Hope: A Long Road in AIDS Research


From the First Case to Future Hope: Tracing the Extensive Journey of AIDS Research

Key Points :

  • Landmark 1981 Case Report: Dr. Gottlieb’s discovery of unusual illnesses in Los Angeles sparked the quest to understand AIDS.
  • The Challenge of HIV: HIV’s rapid mutation rate makes vaccine development difficult, with more variations than the flu virus in a single person.
  • Importance of B-Cells: B-cells are crucial for antibody production, the key to fighting off infections through vaccination.
  • Hope for a Vaccine: New research focuses on “germline targeting” to enhance B-cell response and nanoparticle-based vaccines like N332-GT5 and eOD-GT8 show promise in early trials.
  • Understanding HIV Variants: HIV-1 and HIV-2 are the main types, with HIV-1 being more widespread. High genetic variability within HIV-1 (Group M) poses challenges for diagnosis, treatment, and disease management, that’s it for second general knowledge quiz facts.

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