The OPUS Way

Preparation for CLAT English section, without wasting time

Gaining proficiency in CLAT English is an uphill task. It takes months and years of rigorous practice to hone your language skills. But improving English for a competitive examination comes with certain advantages. Instead of doing everything to achieve mastery over the English language, it is advisable and effective to focus on limited areas of the subject.

OPUS tells you there is no need to fret about the vastness of this language. Just go ahead with the key areas CLAT lays stress on and expertise in English from the examination point of view will be ensured. Remember, you are preparing for English to become well-conversant with what CLAT expects you to know. Hence, a systematic, well-chalked strategy is required to tackle this section of the crucial admission test, to ensure your score is impressive and you sail through comfortably.

Now you are wondering it is easier said than done. Trust OPUS on this count, it is not trying to present a rosy picture. It is a well-known fact that improving English involves much less than what you have been thinking and dreading till now. Ask those who qualified in the past and they will say the same thing.

Pore over this write-up and you will get a clear picture of how the turnaround can happen. Moreover, you will be convinced why we think it is a much easy job. But for this to bear fruit you have to follow the roadmap sincerely. Only then you can transform yourself into a strong contender so far as English is concerned. Without wasting time, let us with surgical precision make a concerted effort to understand what should take you through this test.

The first piece of advice is to commence preparation only after you have made yourself thoroughly familiar with what is expected in the English section. It makes no sense to concentrate on something that is not likely to appear in the test.  Apart from sheer wastage of valuable time, it brings disappointment and spreads confusion. Though we admit there is no fixed pattern of CLAT, we are aware that the syllabus for this test is well-defined. Sticking to the prescribed areas will be a far better way to energise yourself and instil confidence.

Let us split discussion in two major parts. One, the kind of questions raised and expected in the English section of CLAT. Two, advisory notes on how to brace up for the English section.


 CLAT English components

Examine the CLAT English syllabus and study the trends in the previous years. Analyse the questions from CLAT 2022-2023, and you can structure a syllabus out of it. CLAT English section can be split into six heads.

  1. Reading passages
  2. Meanings of idioms in sentences
  3. Synonyms
  4. Meaning of foreign language words
  5. Spell check
  6. Fill in the blanks (grammar test)
  7. Rearrange sentences / para-jumbles

Apart from these, fresh introductions were made in the CLAT English Section in 2022:

  • Summary of a short passage
  • Antonyms
  • Short Reading comprehensions
  • Cloze test (passage with missing words)
  • Relationship of words

Now you have got a fair idea of what you have to concentrate on from the examination point of view, with a clear understanding of what you need to study and ameliorate in a limited span of time. Keep in mind that you are tested for your communication skills, and not for literary flair. Hence, it is well within your reach. OPUS assures you that CLAT English section will soon become your forte. All you need to do is switch into the action mode.

Tips to succeed in CLAT English :

Split the English preparation into three broad zones at the outset. The rubric should be there in your mind.

  • Vocabulary
  • Comprehension
  • Grammar

OPUS suggests you should consult a decent book on Objective English on a daily basis. Though OPUS does not prescribe any fancy title, it suggests you should opt for something like ‘English is easy’ by Chetanand  Singh or  by RS Aggarwal. If you can get hold of something better than these listed options, feel free to opt for it.


A Bloody good reference book for grammar is Wren & Martin. This will enable you to clarify the main structural concepts pertaining to grammar. Make notes while you prepare grammar and pay elaborate attention to the topics you are grappling with. Capture the basic rules of grammar and then apply them to solving exercises under various topics. Formation of verbs and its usage, active voice and passive voice, articles et al.

Revising your basics will acquaint you with frequently asked questions in CLAT English Section on the following types:

  • Spotting errors
  • Sentence rectification
  • Cloze test
  • Fill in the blanks


It is not right to mug up those bombastic words you come across in the dailies and magazines. You hate yourself for not knowing the meaning and feel lazy to consult the dictionary. Yes, the dictionary is handy for usage. Go for it. You should know the meaning and application of the new word. Try and form a short sentence if it helps you to remember the word better. Many words are similar in meaning but they do not mean the same. Your target should be to improve your word power on a regular basis. Learn ten words a day at least. Choose a reliable source for building your vocabulary.

Sources include newspapers, textbooks, and exam related wordlists available online. Norman Lewis is voluminous and time-consuming. We won’t refer his book – Word power made easy – for you. Avoid it but you will not suffer because of lack of it.

As said earlier, mugging up word lists will not serve any purpose. What you require is a holistic approach towards learning English. The key ingredient is oodles of patience. Not all have it in ample measure.

The vocabulary building exercise equips you to handle questions related to the following segments in a much better way.

The vocabulary building exercise equips you to handle questions related to the following segments in a much better way.

  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Spellings check
  • Idioms and phrases
  • Foreign language words
  • Relationship of words

Foreign language words (and idioms) demand special attention. In all probability, you are not familiar with them. Au courant, sub rosa, rara avis, stormy petrel, juggernaut, arriviste, parvenu, to name just a few stunning marvels in this category.

Para jumbles

Most students are of the opinion that this area does not require any preparation. Knowledge of the tricks to solve para jumbles will suffice in this regard. Our piece of advice is to take this portion seriously, to practice regularly to clock better speed and accuracy. In a nutshell, do not overlook this part.

Reading passages

Develop the habit of reading on a regular basis. It helps you to solve comprehension. Gruelling practice sessions based on comprehension passages from the previous years’ CLAT papers will give you a fair idea of the difficulty level you have to encounter in the CLAT test. Form the habit of gauging the core meaning of the passage very quickly. Process loads of information to arrive at what the substance is all about. Only good reading habit will make you do it well and fast.

Types of questions from reading comprehensions are listed here.

  • Questions on the information provided in the passage
  • Suitable title for the passage
  • Meanings of a legal phrase used
  • Synonyms / antonyms of words used
  • Summary of a short paragraph

Grab any good book which has Reading Comprehensions of a similar level. Start solving one every day (with a time limit). Also, read news related to wide-ranging issues published in dailies and magazines on a regular basis. Popular publications like Outlook, India Today should be followed for in-depth reportage and long-form journalism. If you can add fiction to your reading list, it is a welcome addition.

Discuss and share

OPUS encourages you to come up with further queries on CLAT English preparation so that candidates become familiar with tackling the section with ease and confidence. We welcome your reflections and would love to assist you in understanding how time can be saved. You can reach the acme in the English section if you drive ahead with dexterity and avoid pitfalls. OPUS confirms that.

We wish you stupendous success in the CLAT entrance test. Lord over your competitors with a turbo performance.

 More on this topic: CLAT English section can bring you 25 out of 25

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