The OPUS Way

CLAT 2022,AILET,SYMBIOSIS Exam Pattern & Mode of Preparation

CLAT 2022, AILET, SYMBIOSIS Exam Pattern & Mode of Preparation | The season of CLAT 2022 & admission in various law colleges begins soon. Confusion prevails in the student community regarding where to apply, how to apply, the exam pattern and the right approach to prepare for the entrance test. Relevant and valuable information for law aspirants is provided in minutiae. OPUS offers genuine assistance for students seeking clarity.


CLAT 2022,AILET,SYMBIOSIS Exam Pattern & Mode of Preparation

Since CLAT 2022 ranks topmost in the list of priority for every law candidate, let us begin with understanding the rubric of the competitive exam conducted for admission of CLAT 2022 in 14 reputed national law universities – with 1500 seats across India. Negative marking system for incorrect answers keeps guess work at bay. Not attempting a question is not penalized. The 2-hour online CLAT 2022 carries 200 questions from various sections:

  • Legal Aptitude: (40 Questions)
  • English: (27-32 Questions)
  • Logical Reasoning: (27-32 Questions)
    (Critical Reasoning)
  • Mathematics: (15 Questions)
    (Data Interpretation)
  • GK & Current Affairs: (40 Questions)

AILET(All India Law Entrance Test)

For those keen to explore other good options, this entrance exam is conducted for admission in National Law University, Delhi offering 80 seats in B.A L.L.B course. The exam is of 90-minute duration, consisting of 150 questions. Unlike CLAT 2022, there is no negative marking here.

The section-wise break-up:

  1. English – 35
  2. General knowledge – 35
  3. Legal aptitude – 35
  4. Reasoning – 35
  5. Elementary mathematics – 10

GET SET (Symbiosis Law Entrance Test)

Are you SET for yet another entrance exam? Well, the answer is not a conundrum for those law aspirants who are familiar with Symbiosis Law College. There are three institutions offering B.A. LL.B courses – Symbiosis Pune (180 seats), Symbiosis Noida (60 seats), Symbiosis Hyderabad (120 seats).

The exam allots 150 minutes and it has a battery of 150 questions. Much to the relief of aspirants, there is no negative marking. After qualifying in the SET, there is a Personal Interview and WAT (Written Ability Test) to be cleared. OPUS equips you well to meet this challenge.

  1. Indian contract
  2. Indian penal code
  3. Torts
  4. Indian constitution
  5. Family law
  6. Criminal law
  7. Government of India and politics


In order to ramp up performance in CLAT 2022 and other law entrance exams, what emerges as an area of darkness is the total lack of familiarity with the legal aptitude section at the school level. Unlike English, Mathematics or GK, there is no previous basic grooming. This is a game-changing section because the marks obtained in this section are the tie-breaker in case of equal scores.

In the question paper pattern, there is a consistent trend barring a few minor changes in the internal pattern of sections and types of questions. Exhaustive preparation is needed because of increasing number of aspirants every year. Also, the lack of a structured syllabus makes it necessary to undergo mentoring for the test. But don’t worry. OPUS is there to offer guidance with its comprehensive preparatory courses.

Chalk out a strategy to gauge the pattern with in-depth preparation. Maintain copious notes on current affairs. The Static General Knowledge needs relevant material in History, Geography, Economics and General Sciences, and a proper understanding of basic legal concepts and legal reasoning coupled with basic and advanced concepts of Analytical and critical reasoning. Quantitative aptitude based on basic matriculation level concepts is required. These sections should be practiced keeping time constraint in mind.

Tips on how to strategize and brace up for CLAT 2022


Test of proficiency in English is based on grammar and comprehension. Candidates have to show their understanding of the given passage – meaning of the words used in it and the central theme. Fortify grammar by revising the basics and build an arsenal of words for sentence correction questions and filling in the appropriate words. Start reading quality English newspapers and magazines. To understand comprehension thoroughly, try to learn some new words every day, including their antonyms and synonyms. Attempt the numerous English tests available online and practice as many previous papers as possible.


Relax! Elementary math – Class 10 standard mathematics – is tested. Score high in this section with suitable preparation. Increase speed and follow a methodology so that solving a question does not mop up more than a minute. Clear the concepts thoroughly in order to answer the questions with ease. Check the topics that are being repeated from past question papers and prepare them first. Mounting a high score becomes easy.

General Knowledge

It is yet another high scoring and a less time-consuming section that carries 25 per cent weightage. Watch daily news bulletins to stay updated with the latest events happening around the world and within India. Spend an hour reading esteemed newspapers daily. Track previous question papers and prepare according to the pattern of the occurrence of the questions.

Logical Reasoning

This section tests the inclination of the candidate towards law as a career, his ability to solve problems and expertise in research. Questions cover logical reasoning, pattern identification, logical sequences, syllogisms, analogies, and spot correct arguments. Ability to identify logical links, patterns and rectify illogical argument is examined. To prepare well, establish a time management strategy and focus on how much time to devote to each question. Learn short cuts and tricks to solve questions easily. Solve as many problems as possible and refer to logical reasoning books, take online tests and consult previous question papers for the pattern of questions. These efforts should suffice.

Legal Aptitude and Legal GK

This section tests legal awareness in applicants. Questions are framed on legal propositions and candidates have to assume the truth of these propositions and answer accordingly. This is not to test prior knowledge of legal concepts. To prepare for this section, go through the legal aptitude book that includes chapters such as Law of contract, Law of Torts, Constitutional Law, International Law, Family law, IPR, criminal law and other important Laws. Understand legal principles to grasp the question properly and then arrive at a logical conclusion. Know how much time to spend on each question. Time it right and score high in this section since it helps to break the ‘TIE’ and select the better candidate.

Follow these guidelines and crack the law entrance test with confidence.  Best wishes from OPUS!

Related Post: Ways to Tackle the Logical Reasoning Section in CLAT

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