The OPUS Way

CLAT Syllabus 2024 – Common Law Admission Test

CLAT Syllabus 2024 – Common Law Admission Test | Before formalizing a strategy for preparation, a law candidate should have the competitive spirit for clearing the CLAT examination. OPUS believes that the primary requisite is the mental vigour that decides how you brace up for the challenge.

CLAT is a competitive entrance test you have to clear in order to secure admission in any of the top-ranking law colleges of the country. Around 50000 applicants for just 2400 seats spread across 18 NLUs shows how tough it is to scrape through.

Some valuable tips from OPUS will make the journey much easier for candidates preparing for the CLAT exam. Here is the outline of how to approach each section of the test.


List of CLAT Syllabus 2024


This portion either takes you through or wrecks your chances in the entrance exam. There are 40 Questions to attempt in this section. Strong candidates can answer these questions in the least possible time. OPUS grooms you for an amazing score in this section.

Follow CLAT papers of the past years to study the pattern and you will find that there was a lot more related to current affairs stuff vis-à-vis static GK. Rummage through the latest GK books. Keep yourself updated with the latest happenings within India and around the world. You should read a national newspaper and a national news magazine on a regular basis. Watching the news on TV also helps in the preparation. GK updates meant for OPUS students provide comprehensive study material. OPUS lays stress on mock tests available online. Attempt as many mock tests as you can.

CLAT Syllabus – Legal Aptitude

Legal aptitude is the most interesting part of the study. This section comprises 27-32 questions. More time is required to answer these questions based on legal principles and facts. A candidate should not rely on any principle except the principles given in the question.

Questions are from the legal areas of Law of Torts, Law of Contracts and Criminal law, and legal GK. The compositions change every year. A candidate is not supposed to know all these in-depth. The purpose of this section is to test his aptitude.

OPUS grooming and guidance along with in-depth study can improve the chances of scoring well in this section. To ameliorate your performance in this section, analyses of past papers and solving them are beneficial. Scoring well in this section is helpful in case two or more candidates score equal marks in this section.

This test assesses the candidate on his interest in law, his expertise in research, and his problem-solving ability. The questions include legal principles that have to be applied to certain situations. The candidate has to judge the situation and generate an apt solution.

Refer to past question papers and solve as many problems as possible. Understand the question thoroughly and come to a logical conclusion. Try to time yourself when you are attempting this section so that you know exactly how much time is to be spent on each question.


There are 27-32 Questions questions on comprehension passages, grammar, and vocabulary in this section to test the candidate’s proficiency in English.

It is true that proficiency in grammar and vocabulary is achieved with long-term efforts. But OPUS holds the view that effective methods of learning and good guidance can develop sufficient skill very quickly.

There is one passage of 400-450 words of 10 marks – to test a candidate’s understanding of the passage and the central theme, meanings of words used, and their synonyms or antonyms.

Reading a good newspaper or a magazine helps a lot. The grammar section includes identifying grammatical errors in the sentences and filling inappropriate words in a given sentence. Follow Wren & Martin book.

Try to learn some new words every day – including their synonyms and antonyms. This will help you in understanding the comprehension thoroughly. Solve as many questions from previous years as possible. Take English tests available online and hone your skills further. Soon you build a mechanism to solve the questions.


There are 27-32 questions in this section to assess a candidate’s potential to identify patterns, logical links and rectify illogical arguments. Questions from the logical sequence, deductions or syllogism, analogies, odd man out, statement and assumptions are also included.

Regular practice is needed for this section. Otherwise, a student is likely to get caught in a tricky situation and the section consumes plenty of time. Refer to past question papers to form an idea of your expectation in the examination. Consult logical reasoning books and solve as many problems as you can. Also, take online tests to sharpen yourself. Learn tricks and shortcuts to solve the problems with ease. OPUS advises you to follow a time-management strategy as it enables you to attempt each question. The strategy will focus on how much time you need to devote to each question.


This section comprises 15 questions of elementary mathematics based on percentage, profit and loss, simple interest compound Interest, average and mixture, time and work, and probability.

One should take this section seriously, as all students are taught these topics in schools. Though the number of questions is less in this section, improving the total score is vital here.

Refer to past question papers and find out the repeated topics. Prepare them first and then move on to the other topics. Your concepts should be clear. It is easy to attempt the questions. Keep a methodology in place so that you do not spend more than a minute to solve each question.

Note the fact that CLAT has a 0.25 negative marking for every wrong answer. A student is advised to not randomly answer any question.

OPUS wishes you all the best!

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