The OPUS Way

Author name: Ekta Agarwal

Ekta Agarwal is a professional writer with having 10+ years of domain expertise in the legal domain. She wants to share some innovative ideas and simple strategies through the articles that make the LAW entrance preparation smoother.

clat crash course
clat, law, LSAT, Opus Update, SET

CLAT Crash Course 2021

Accelerate Your CLAT Preparations with The OPUS CLAT Crash Course Are you occupied with your pre-boards | boards, but still want to review all the concepts, learn some amazing strategies and become a Zen for the upcoming CLAT? If the answer is Yes, then the OPUS CLAT Crash Course is your one-stop solution to maximize

IIT, Kharagpur L.L.B Admissions Notice

Indian Institute of Technology – IIT, Kharagpur has opened its gates for students interested in admissions to 3 years full time residential Bachelor of Law (LL.B) honors program in Intellectual Property Law at Rajiv Gandhi School of Intellectual Property Law (RGSOIPL) for the session 2019. Eligibility Criteria for IIT, Kharagpur: First class bachelor’s degree in Engineering/

set law

Symbiosis Entrance Test – SET Law 2022

Symbiosis Entrance Test is conducted by the Symbiois International University. There are various institutes working under the administration of  Symbiosis that offer undergraduate courses are Symbiosis Law School, Pune (SLS), Symbiosis Law School, Noida (SLS), Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Researh (SICR), Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research (SICR PG), Symbiosis Institute of


GMAT FAQs by students – reading Comprehension

Here are a list of regularly asked questions on reading Comprehension by the GMAT Students Q: How many and what types of reading passages will I encounter on the GMAT? A: Expect to encounter four Reading Comprehension sets on your Verbal section. Passages vary in length from 150 to 325 words. Each passage will be accompanied by three questions

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Fashion Design Schools – Exam 2022

Fashion design means exactly as the name suggests. Fashion design is designing something that makes the person wearing it fashionable. Creating anything new that evolves humans through clothes or accessories is fashion design. It is the art of application of design and aesthetics or natural beauty to clothing and accessories. Students who seek admissions in esteemed

clat, law

UPES Law Studies Aptitude Test

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun has announced UPES Law Studies Aptitude Test ULSAT 2016. UPES Dehradun invites applications from eligible candidates for  UPES Law Studies Aptitude Test (ULSAT) for the academic year 2016-2017. UL-SAT is conducted for the admission in undergraduate level programs in law courses. Courses Offered                              5 years Integrated Bachelor of Arts+Bachelor of

clat, law

All about National Law University (NLU)

National Law University, abbreviated as NLU is an educational institution designated as autonomous law school, for imparting legal education as directed by Bar Council of India (BCI). The autonomous law schools/NLUs were established after Legal Education Committee of the BCI considered and approved various proposals that demanded modernizing legal education. The NLUs were established with

application form
clat, law

How to apply for CLAT 2022

For the CLAT 2022, interested candidates need to apply online through the official website ( on the prescribed date. Submission of  application form will begin from 31st March, 2022. Beside online registration, no other mode of submitting the application would be permitted. The candidates must have to remit the application fee (4000/- for general candidates and

clat, law

Eligibility criteria for CLAT 2022

The CLAT is a non-statutory body created only for conducting the CLAT exam and providing the merit list to the 16 NLUs for admission to their law courses as per their qualification, reservation conditions. From this year onwards, there is NO AGE LIMIT for appearing in the entrance exam. The candidates are advised to read

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