The OPUS Way

Author name: Ekta Agarwal

Ekta Agarwal is a professional writer with having 10+ years of domain expertise in the legal domain. She wants to share some innovative ideas and simple strategies through the articles that make the LAW entrance preparation smoother.

Fashion, nift

Fashion Design : A Great Career Path to Choose

What is Fashion Design? Fashion design means exactly as the name suggests. Fashion design is designing something that makes the person wearing it fashionable. Creating anything new that evolves humans through clothes or accessories is fashion design. It is the art of application of design and aesthetics or natural beauty to clothing and accessories. Can […]

CLAT Mathematics
clat, law

CLAT Mathematics is easy, Here is why.

Here is why CLAT Mathematics is easy Those appearing for competitive examinations grow jittery when it comes to mathematics. It is not a sudden fear or anxiety that grapples them. The fact is that CLAT mathematics is an area of serious concern right from school days. Remember your pre-board phase and the feverish days prior to

CLAT Mock Test - The key to success for CLAT
clat, law

CLAT Mock Test – The key to success for CLAT

CLAT Mock Test – The key to success for CLAT | You have been slogging really hard, burning the proverbial midnight oil, solving every available guide and even after practicing a lot in every section you do not feel confident of facing the question paper on D-day. Demons of difficult questions and poor time management


NID will Design Passenger Friendly Trains for Indian Railways

With 15 National Institute of Design (NID) – Ahmedabad students having mapped the journey to come up with passenger-friendly design interventions, taking a local train may soon become a stress-free, seamless experience. Their work will soon be presented to the Railway Board in July, 2016. The Railway Ministry in order to give the people passenger

clat guide

LSAT- India Exam

Detailed exam pattern of LSAT At the outset, let there be no doubt that the LSAT – India is distinctly different from the CLAT exam conducted for admission into law colleges and universities across India. When we say different, we mean the methods and approaches to assess potential are far more superior. It is the

clat, law

Expected cut-off in CLAT 2021

Expected cut-off in CLAT 2021 Uncertainty dogs aspirants on this count. Despite slogging so hard, if the cut-off level goes up compared to what was the previous year, despondency creeps in and they tend to warp their minds with an infinitesimal hope of making the cut. The cut-off is a heartbreaking point. Missing it by


Common Mistakes While Preparing for CLAT

Commonly made mistakes while preparing for CLAT 2022 Mistakes mitigate the chances of success in every entrance test including CLAT. Despite putting in your best efforts, errors find their way in, pulling aspirants away from prized success. The result is often painful to bear: very close to winning and yet not there. Losing a year


Preparation for CLAT English section, without wasting time

Gaining proficiency in CLAT English is an uphill task. It takes months and years of rigorous practice to hone your language skills. But improving English for a competitive examination comes with certain advantages. Instead of doing everything to achieve mastery over the English language, it is advisable and effective to focus on limited areas of

clat, Design, GMAT, law, nid, nift

De – stress : Breathing really helps

Are you stressed? How do you tell yourself you are stressed prior to the entrance exam? What is the trigger?  Is it accelerated heart rate or a growing feeling of discomfort? What makes you know anxiety attack is building up within you? Even cloudy skyline can shoot up stress or bad news from a neighbour


Improve reading speed for CLAT

Speed is vital It is a foregone conclusion that reading speed makes all the difference between success and failure in a fiercely competitive test like CLAT. The problem is compounded because candidates tend to think that they possess good speed whereas this could be far from the truth. Demolish illusions of speed and efficiency and expedite

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