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Analyzing 5 years of CLAT | CLAT Previous Year Questions and Answers

Analyzing 5 years of CLAT | CLAT Previous Year Questions and Answers | Lawyers of the future know how important it is for them to crack the Common Law Admission test (CLAT) organized every year by the National Law University. OPUS prepares you to crack CLAT effortlessly through its meticulously organized classes and courses.

The CLAT exam has questions in broadly five categories: English Comprehension, Numerical Ability, General Knowledge & Current Affairs, Logical Reasoning, and Legal Aptitude.

In CLAT, you will face 150 questions in each of the above categories, broadly as follows: Legal Aptitude: (40 Questions), English: (27-32 Questions), Logical Reasoning(Critical Reasoning): (27-32 Questions), Mathematics(Data Interpretation): (15 Questions), GK & Current Affairs: (40 Questions). OPUS prepares ably to crack each of these categories easily.

English Comprehension

Your ability to understand in English will be tested in this section. Most questions will be provided as comprehension passages, where you skills on English grammar will also be tested. When you read the comprehension passages, you will be expected to understand the meaning on the passage in totality as well as of specific words and sentences. Yu will be provided incorrect, misleading words and phrases and expected to correct them grammatically.

General Knowledge and Current Affairs

Do you follow news and abreast on the major ongoing situations in India and abroad? The GK and current affairs section will test your knowledge and understanding of the world around you. Follow the news and major happenings that took place between last year’s CLAT till now.Some questions would also be from static general knowledge.

Numerical Ability

This section is fairly elementary and will test the knowledge of students based on the syllabus in the secondary school syllabus.

Legal Aptitude

The official website informs that: “This section will test candidate’s interest towards study of law, research aptitude and problem solving abilities. Questions will be framed with the help of legal propositions (described in the paper), and a set of facts to which the said proposition has to be applied. Some propositions may not be “true” in the real sense (e.g. the legal proposition may be that any person who speaks in a movie hall and disturbs others that are watching the movie will be banned from entering any movie theatre across India for one year). Candidates will have to assume the “truth” of these propositions and answer the questions accordingly”.

Logical Reasoning

This section is geared towards testing your application of the principle of law that has been provided to you. What this means is you are not tested on your knowledge of the laws, bills and statutes. Rather, how do you apply your aptitude and acumen to resolving an issue at hand in the legal reasoning section?

Trust OPUS to guide and mentor you all the way along.

Let’s look at some of the samples from the questions of 2017.


 CLAT 2019 Exam Analysis

Logical reasoning

  • Thissection had most questions from analytical reasoning. There were questions on directions, blood relations, series, syllogism, arrangements etc.
  • There were 12 questions based on analogy, vocabulary, odd one out and syllogisms.
  • There were only 1-2 questions based on statement argument, statement assumption.

Memory-based questions in Logical Reasoning

  1. Find the missing number

AX, DU, GR, ___, ML

Answer : JO

2.How many times from 4pm to 10pm, the hands of a clock make a right angle?


3.Wave : Crest :: _____: Peak

Answet – Mountain

4.Crumb : Bread ::  ____ :  _____

Answer- Splinter : Wood

5.Birthday of Y is 6 days before X. X was born on 4 October 1999 and 15 August 1999 was Sunday. On which day was Y born?

Answer – Tuesday

6.Person who renounce religious or political belief or principles is called as ?

Answer- Apostate

7.Ramesh points towards a girl “ Her mother’s brothers is the only son of my mother’s father? How is the girl’s mother related to Ramesh?

Answer – Mother

8.______ is the hater of knowledge

Answer – Misologist

9.If MILLITARY is coded as 12324567, then TAIL is coded as:

Answer- 4523

10.If south-East becomes North and North- East becomes West, tehn west will bebecome_____.

Answer: South- East

11.If ABANDON is coded as aramoin BORE is coded as rits and BASIL is coded as rabut, which of the following is coded as bituo?

Answer- SOLID

12.In a colony, 60% are males. If the number of females are 800, find the number of males?

Answer- 1200

13.Mare: Horse :: ____:____

Answer – Sow: Bear

14.Find the odd one out

Cruise, Expedition, Crusade, Campaign

Answer- Cruise

15.A pointed towards B, “he is the son of wife of the only son of the grand-mother of my younger brother. How is B related  to A?

Answer- Brother

Elementary Mathematics

TopicsNo. of questions
SI & CI1
Time & work3
Boat & Streams1
Allegation & Mixture1
Ratio & proportion2
Profit & Loss2
Speed, time & distance1


Memory-based questions in Numerical Ability

  1. A boat goes upstream from a to B and comes back in 5 hours. Speed of the boat in still water is 8 Km/hr and speed of the current is 4 Km/hr. Find the distance fromn A to B.

Answer – 15

2.A trader sells rice at a profit of 20% and uses weight which are 10% less than the coveted weight. The tota gain earned by the trader is ?

Answer- 33.33%

3.2 men and 7 boys can do a job in 14 days whereas 3 men and 8 boys can do  it in 11 days. In how many days can 8 men and 6 boys can do thrice the work?

Answer- 21

4.Gold and copper are heavy tha water by 19 times and 9 times respectively.  Find the ratio in which they should be mixed to form a mixture 17 times heavier than water?

Answer- 4:1

  1. A train X leaves station A at 3pm and reaches station B at 4:30pm while another train Y leaves station B at 32 pm and reaches station a at 4 pm. Find thye exact time when they cross exch other?

Ansswer- 3:36pm

  1. A clock was set at 12’o clock . It loses 10 minutes per hour then what will be the angle between hour and minute hand of the clock after 1 hour

Answer- 85 degree

  1. A vessel contains milk and water in the ratio 5:3. How much mixture must be siphoned off and replaced with water so that the new mixture is half water half milk.

Answer- 1/5

General Knowledge

  • GK section was dominated by Current affairs. Even the topics which were in news couple of daysbefer the exam were also included.
  • Questions on History were completely missing.
  • There were good number of questions on Personalities, Economy and International Organizations.

Memory-based questions in GK

1.Name the first country to shut down FM network.

Answer- Norway

2.Recently elected President of France

Answer- Emmanuel Macron

3.Which country recently permitted Euthanasia of a child?

Answer- Belgium

4.Which country’s president was awarded 2016 Nobel Peace Prize?

Answer- Colombia

5.India’s 3rd largest trading partner in 2016?


6.Which state has highest number of open jails?


7.Which airline operated the longest non-stop all women flight?

Air India

8.Where is Hubble Telescope located?


  1. Which India has won maximum number of Badminton titles?

Answer- SainaNehwal

10.US Shoe company involved in IPR dispute in China?

Answer- New Balance


English section was quite easy according to the students who appeared in the CLAT exam.

TopicsNo. of questions
Reading Comprehension (Difficult)5
Modifiers & parallelisms5
Sentence correction10

Memory-based questions in English comprehension

Find the correct spellings

  • Remuneration
  • Gallows
  • Hypothecation
  • Interrogation
  • Accommodation


  • You have played a huge role, for without you I could have landed myself into a problem.
  • If they want to succeed, they willhave to work hard.
  • Sunita decided to set aside some time for prayer.

Find the Error

  • The most difficult job is bed and then(lifting) the weight.
  • The officer asked that the report(be submitted)

Legal Aptitude

  • There were 15 questions based on Legal Maxims. Students generally ignore such questions as it used to figure only marginally in the previous years.
  • Legal Reasoning was dominated by Contract law, Criminal Law, Constitutional law and torts.
  • There were no questions from fringe subject areas such as Intellectual property, Family Law and International Law.

Memory Based Questions asked in Legal Aptitude section in CLAT’22:

Meaning of the phrases:

  • Malus animus – Bad intention
  • Pari delicto- In equal fault
  • Bona Vacantia – Ownerless goods
  • Pari Passu- at the same rate
  • Turpis arbiter – Corrupt judge
  • Lis pendens – pending legal action
  • Punctum temporis – point of time

The team of CLAT experts at OPUS ensures you can tackle all kinds of questions and takes you extensively through the format of previous years. OPUS prepares you for a variety of dynamic and challenging situations you may be faced with when you appear for CLAT and is widely trusted by aspirants across the country.

Related Post: Study Material for CLAT, NIFT, NID, GMAT Entrance Exams

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