The OPUS Way

NIFT-NID Entrance – A Killer Test of Aptitude



Aptitude decides where you finally go and how far you actually go. It begins to play an intrinsic role in your career path from an early stage. When you decide to pursue NIFT-NID, one thing should be clear in your mind. Aptitude determines altitude. Without having the right aptitude, you cannot enter the hallowed portals of learning.

Matter of Aptitude

OPUS tells aspirants to realise one thing with seriousness. Aptitude appears to be a common word. Its architecture is quite imposing once you become familiar with the connotations.

When it comes to discussing whether you are creative or not, many hands go up voluntarily. But try exploring creative aptitude with a bizarre take or pose freaky questions like drawing the world from an ant’s perspective, then it is time to realise that creative aptitude is not something you can claim to be born with. It also involves rigorous out-of-the-box thinking ability that is sharpened with formal training.

In entrance tests like NIFT-NID, the focus is on creative aptitude just as much it is on testing general aptitude. OPUS harps on this dual structure of testing aptitude. This is what makes it quite a challenge to scrape through – a killer test of aptitude is the right expression to define the intricate admission process.

Crack the Attitude Problem

Those candidates who possess a creative eye or an instinctive feel for the unusual begin to assume that this is something they can tackle with ease. They are partially correct in making these assumptions. They tend to ignore the equally important general aptitude test in which many creative folks have a negligible interest or think they are simply not bothered about these boring questions. Remember, they stand to lose the chance to study in the leading institutes if they take this aptitude test lightly. Much to the chagrin, this is what happens. The truly creative folks miss the mark because of negligence whereas the not-so-creative candidates with a more balanced approach to preparation manage to crack it successfully.

OPUS wants to remind that the creative aptitude and the general aptitude tests matter equally. No aspirant, no matter how talented, can afford to overlook this aspect. Before any candidate begins to prepare for NID or NIFT, he needs to remember that these two aptitude tests are equally vital. You cannot prefer one and ignore the other. If you do so, consider that your chances of making the cut are reduced by half and you lose the chance to enter the reputed colleges.

Once you let this reality sediment in your mind and make yourself comfortable with the thought that the preparation process involves two critical aspects, we can begin to explore how to go about the test so that the chances of securing admission are raised significantly.

This renders it mandatory for even the most creative aspirants to seek entrance guidance and enrol for a preparatory course instead of doing it on their own just because they believe creativity is not something that can be taught. Can they imagine how much time will be wasted if they do not have a proper systematic knowledge of what appears in the test and how best to approach the paper? Is it right to focus on something that stirred your mind so much that you began to pour everything into it and forgot that there are other questions waiting to be answered? Remember, the evaluation will be made on the entire submission and not on a particular section or a question. No matter how well you write it, even full marks in it cannot fetch you admission. Many creative aspirants get swayed and commit this blunder. They need to remember there is a creative aptitude and there is another general aptitude test. Get it clear that your admission depends on total performance. Excellence in a particular section is immaterial.

Lift the NIFT trophy

Understand the question paper and its style before you begin preparing for any examination. All fashion buffs should take a peek into the question papers before slogging for the NIFT entrance test.

The entrance test comprises two main components: Creative Aptitude Test and General Aptitude Test. The General Aptitude Test carries objective type questions with one mark for every correct answer and negative marks of 0.25 for each incorrect answer.

Creative Aptitude Test

This test focuses on assessing intuitive skills, the power of observation, innovation in developing a concept and design ability of the candidate. A crucial aspect of the test is the creative and innovative use of colour and illustration skills.

General Aptitude Test

1) Quantitative Ability: It has questions on addition, multiplication, division, fractions, percentage, rate of interest, work and task, ratio and proportion, and distance.

2) Communication Ability: It is aimed at judging the flair for English. It has questions on synonyms, antonyms, words with corresponding meanings, singular, plural, one-word substitution, idioms and phrases and correct spellings.

3) English Comprehension: It requires understanding and answering questions based on a specific passage.

4) Analytical Ability: It is designed to test the candidate’s inference and logical prowess from given information.

5) General Knowledge and Current Affairs: It is based on recent events and general knowledge.

6) Case Study: This test uses a situation to evaluate your response and discern your managerial ability.

Bachelor of Fashion Technology (B. FTech)

General Aptitude Test (GAT) has 100 per cent weightage for solving 150 questions in three hours.

  • Quantitative Ability – 30 questions
  • Communication Ability and English Comprehension – 45 questions
  • Analytical Ability – 25 questions
  • General Knowledge and Current Affairs – 25 questions
  • Case Study – 25 questions

The NID Chapter

The NID entrance exam is carried out by the National Institute of Design for the entry of talented students into the various courses offered by well-known Indian institutes of fashion.

Structure of the Entrance Test

Aptitude, innovation and perception of applicants are tested in a big way. This exam never had a well-structured syllabus but from this year there has been a welcome change – with thrust on MCQ pattern. Three aptitude tests are good enough to fatigue the best minds. 60 marks are allocated for these.

This exam comprises the following:

  • Animation
  • Abstract Symbolism
  • Composition
  • Knowledge of Proportions and Perspective
  • Memory Drawing
  • Thematic Colour Arrangement
  • Visual Design


Areas of Syllabus

  • Communication Skills
  • Composition
  • Creativity
  • Drawing Skills
  • General Mental Ability
  • Sensitivity to Environment
  • Subjects of Design

Those who qualify in this written test with good marks shall be notified about the studio test.  After this, a personal interview shall be conducted.

Rubric for Study

The fate of students will depend on their performance in the entrance exam. They can allot time for each topic according to its level of difficulty. Besides, they can refer guides or solve online question papers. Having a good idea about the exam pattern will boost confidence. They can assess their level of understanding of the subject and also rectify mistakes. One more thing they can do is to attend coaching classes and learn drawing. This skill will be of practical use for them during the course of their career. Instructors will be able to guide them and give a professional opinion in areas where students have doubts. They are recommended to read newspapers, watch English News Channels and read books to enhance word power.

What you NEED for NID

NID still looks at general knowledge, comprehension competencies (both visual and verbal), analysis and reasoning, creativity and problem-solving. Only the types of questions that will be posed to evaluate these parameters have been altered. NID stresses on testing the design aptitude of students and asks questions related to drawing, concept and idea. The design aptitude test is not a formula-based test. It is more geared towards how well you are able to understand what logic you have to apply and then to use that logic to arrive at an answer. OPUS advises the candidates to read the questions carefully, think hard and apply their mind.

Scrapping its previous practice of testing creativity and design acumen, the National Institute of Design (NID) now follows the one used by IITs. Design Aptitude Test (DAT) has two specific sections — Section A carries multiple choice questions (MCQs) worth 70 marks, and Section B contains subjective questions with 30 marks.

Not all are happy with this change but the good thing is that the revised pattern makes it important to seek professional coaching from a reliable institute like OPUS. There is no denying this vital fact now.

Related Post: Sample NIFT / NID Questions-How to Approach Them with Ease

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