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general knowledge quiz

CLAT General Knowledge – Quiz Facts 9 May


EU protects women! New law tackles online abuse, forced marriage & more.


The European Union has taken a significant step to safeguard women’s rights by introducing new legislation aimed at combating online abuse, forced marriages, and other forms of violence against women.

Key Points :

  • EU passes landmark law to combat violence against women.
  • Law criminalizes online harassment, forced marriage, and female genital mutilation.
  • It strengthens protection for victims and mandates support services.
  • No agreement on a standardized EU-wide definition of rape, that’s it for first general knowledge quiz facts.


AI skills = In demand! Most employers seek AI skills for hiring. Time to upskill?


AI skills are now in high demand across various job sectors, according to the 2024 Work Trend Index.

Key Points :

  • AI usage in workplaces nearly doubled in the past six months.
  • 75% of knowledge workers use AI tools to improve efficiency and creativity.
  • Leaders acknowledge the importance of AI but struggle with implementation strategies.
  • There’s a growing trend of employees using personal AI tools at work (BYOAI).
  • The skills gap in AI is a concern, but professionals are actively upskilling, that’s it for second general knowledge quiz facts.

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