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CLAT Books 2024 | Best Test Books For CLAT Preparation

CLAT Books 2024 | Best Books For CLAT Preparation | The Consortium of NLU’s is likely to schedule CLAT 2024 in May of 2024. To master CLAT 2024, it is essential that you have access to really good preparation material. Effective CLAT books are rare, and usually you have to refer to multiple sources to get a full and comprehensive course structure. This post will help you source some of the best CLAT books in the market and we’ll try to make most of the advice and help you get clarity on your CLAT preparation journey.

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Best Books For CLAT Preparation

The CLAT preparation space is highly saturated with tonnes of resources available. However, not all books are really that good!!! There are a lot of books which focus on specific areas and a lot of their content is irrelevant to CLAT. To decode precisely what you need, we will help you shortlist some really good books for CLAT that are comprehensive reference material, extensive with their content and are really effective tools to give you clarity of concepts – these are crucial to help you assess your preparation strategy and analyse your performance based on concepts to crack CLAT.

The best CLAT Books and other resources prescribed by experts to crack CLAT 2024

Here is a list of the best books for CLAT preparation 2024. We hope this list will help you get a really good idea on the concepts that are crucial to score in CLAT. Our aim is to get you resources that are reasonably priced, have really good content and explanations and are thorough with the topics and provide you with question pools to help you track your CLAT preparation progress.

Best Books for CLAT English | Reading Comprehension

The English section in CLAT focuses extensively on reading with a focus on Reading Comprehension questions. We can’t rule out vocabulary and grammar questions completely though. Some passages have asked direct contextual vocabulary questions, so having a good vocabulary definitely saves time and you don’t have to refer to the passage to get an idea of the meaning through contextual references. Having a strong base in grammar can also help with your reading and have you speed up your grasp over what you’re trying to read. The English Language section will have 28 – 32 questions, with each passage asking around 5 – 6 objective type questions based on the passage. So here are some good reference material and books that you can refer to for the CLAT English section:

  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
Book NameAuthor
Objective General English 2024OPUS
Reading ComprehensionR S Aggarwal
The Pearson Guide to CLAT 2024Pearson’s
Word Power Made EasyNorman

Best Books for CLAT | Legal Aptitude

The CLAT 2024 Legal Aptitude. The Legal Reasoning section will consist of around 30 – 35 questions, and it is a reading intensive section as well (just like English). This section will test your skills of analysing a given Legal Principle (Passage Based or an article from the news) and answer a few questions related to it. The Legal principles can be passage based (refer to CLAT 2024 – Volenti Non Fit Injuria, Consent, Contracts etc.) where a Law is described in detail or it can be in context from a news article. Based on your reading of the passage, the questions will frame a scenario where these principles will be applied and answer questions accordingly. If you want to nail this section, it is advisable that you be familiar with the broader areas of the law such as Torts, Crime, Contracts and Constitution so that you don’t waste precious time in reading the passage and analysing what you already know. Some really great books that you can refer to to ace the CLAT Legal Reasoning section are:

  • Universal’s CLAT Guide
  • Legal GK modules & Legal Reasoning by OPUS
  • Legal Aptitude & Legal Awareness by AP Bhardwaj
  • LexisNexis Butterworths
  • Bare Acts of Indian Constitution

Best Books For CLAT General Knowledge (GK) and Current Affairs

The General Knowledge section of CLAT 2024 will consist of around 28 – 32 questions based on Current events over a one – year timeframe. However, a really quick hack is to focus on events that have been in the news 3 – 4 months to CLAT since the major density of the questions are from this timeline. BUT, it is always advisable to read consistently and refer to material for the whole year till the CLAT. Reading national daily’s such as The Hindu, The Indian Express, Economictimes etc, are uncompromisable since most of the passages will be extracted from articles from these resources. Read everyday and take notes consistently so that you can refer to them on the go! Delving a little deeper into the current affairs section is also essential since CLAT now focussed on Passage Based GK where reading around an event and focussing on multiple aspects of the event is tested. So, if you know about the Taliban Scene in Afghanistan through investigative reading, a passage based on it will be a breeze and you’ll get all the 5 questions related to it as a bonus. Apart from referring the Newspapers regularly, you can refer to the following CLAT books to get a pretty good idea about the the events and these will also expose you to static and legal GK which can feature in CLAT 2024

  • Daily GK Supplements by OPUS
  • Pearson General Knowledge Manual 2024
  • Lucent’s General Knowledge
  • GK Today
  • India Year Book
  • Competition Success Review
  • Pratiyogita Darpan
  • The Hindu
  • The Indian Express

Best Books For CLAT Logical Reasoning | Critical Reasoning

CLAT 2024 Logical reasoning questions can have a mix of both Critical Reasoning based questions and Analytical Reasoning questions. However, the main trend has been to ask questions on passage based critical reasoning questions focussing on identifying the author’s conclusion, assumptions, inferences, strengthening and weakening arguments, and other less common types such as boldface, paradoxes, plan/strategy and evaluating an argument. The Logical reasoning section is likely to have 28 – 32 questions with a focus on passage based CR + the occasional statement assumption, conclusion, courses of action, logic games etc. Please refer to the full syllabus by OPUS to get an idea of the various question types. Here are some reference books for CLAT 2024 that will definitely help you ace the test:

  • Verbal Reasoning by OPUS
  • Analytical Reasoning by OPUS
  • Critical Reasoning supplement by OPUS
  • GMAT Official Guide – focus on Critical Reasoning
  • Powerscore – GMAT Bible
  • GMAT Club – online forum
  • Verbal Reasoning by RS Agarwal

Best Books for CLAT Quantitative Aptitude | Data Interpretation

The quantitative techniques section for the CLAT is now data interpretation based. Basic mathematics concepts from Arithmetic, Basic Geometry and Algebra will now be visually represented through myriad diagrams and caselets and you’ll have to glean out the information and answer these questions. Analysing and studying tables, graphs, pie charts etc is key! Having a strong base in Percentages, Averages, Ratios etc. will be the conclusive in your CLAT preparation journey. Let’s just point out one thing that it is imperative for you to understand. Even Though CLAT will ask 13 – 18 questions in this section, this is a deal breaker. If you are good at math you definitely have a head start over your competitors. So, answering a set over and above others will help you place in a top National Law University. Some really good books for the CLAT quantitative sections are:

Books Authors

  • Quantitative Techniques by OPUS
  • Data Interpretation Supplements by OPUS
  • RS Agarwal Quantitative Aptitude
  • CLAT & AILET Chapter-wise Solved Papers by OPUS

Subjects | Questions | Format for CLAT 2024

The CLAT is a 150 mark test divided into 5 sections
1 mark for the correct answer | Negative 0.25 for a wrong answer | Neutral for unmarked
(Refer here for strategies to crack CLAT)

English including Comprehension 28 – 32 questions

Passages are extracted from popular books, magazines and articles, contemporary Indian History, Science etc. The source of the content isn’t really that important if you can read, analyse and assimilate information well. The key to acing the reading comprehension section is to read, read and read!!! There are no shortcuts to this. To score high in CLAT 2024, try to practice at least 3 Reading Comprehension sets every day from the OPUS student zone or any other material that you have access to.

Current Affairs and General Knowledge 35 – 39 questions

The CLAT Current Affairs section will test you on your awareness about current events. Passages are inspired by editorials, news articles and journals from across domains. Any national and international event that can affect the general public are relevant. So, keep a track and read extensively around important events and take notes for ready reference.

Legal Reasoning 28 – 32 questions

The Legal Reasoning section is a test of one’s analytical skills and how well you can read and apply concepts in Law. The passages will be extracted from Legal Journals, News, Articles etc. with a focus on a few legal principles embedded within them. You’ll have to be sharp to identify the legal principle and answer questions applying those principles. It is advisable to just stick to the passage and not work around assumptions and outside knowledge.

Quantitative Techniques (Elementary mathematics up to 10th standard) 13 – 17 questions

The Quantitative Techniques section will test you on Visual Data that is to be interpreted through mathematics. The types of questions include short sets of facts, propositions, graphs, pictorials, a textual, or diagrammatic representation of numerical data. Having a good base in Percentages, Ratios, Averages etc. is massively helpful to score high in these questions.

Logical Reasoning 35 – 39 questions

The CLAT Logical reasoning question will be Critical Reasoning intensive. Critical Reasoning will test you on how well you can break down an argument and identify the logical gaps in the author’s reasoning. Apart from the standard critical reasoning questions, verbal reasoning and analytical reasoning questions may appear. So, a thorough review of all the logic based questions is what you will need to master this section.

CLAT Books and Resources FAQs

Q). Are the above-mentioned books enough to prepare for CLAT 2024?
A). Yes, they are. But using these books to your advantage and critically analyzing the concepts and applying them to real-life questions is the key. Don’t focus on loading up on a lot of resources. Instead, pick one and master it. As they say, it’s better to read a book 100 times rather than reading 100 books.

Q). How will these resources and CLAT preparation books and modules aid in CLAT preparation?
A). These recommendations are thorough and well researched. The aforementioned materials are verified by experts and can be used to prepare for CLAT 2024.

Q). Are CLAT books available on the internet as a pdf?
A). There are some (not all) resources that can be availed in a pdf or ebook format, but we always recommend the hard copies since it is easier to study through a physical format. But, if you’re comfortable engaging with the material in an e-format, you definitely have access to pdf files on Amazon, some channels on telegram and other sources.

Q). Are the number of questions in CLAT 2024 the same as the previous year?
A). The total number of questions in CLAT 2024 will be the same as the previous 2 years, 2020 and 2021. The test will comprise of a total of 150 questions broken down into 5 sections. However, individual section questions can vary.

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